Best Free Hikashop template for Joomla! 5

Listing Free Responsive Hikashop templates, extended style for Hikashop Joomla 5 templates

Why should you use Hikashop extension to build an eCommerce website?

  • HikaShop provides an interface for handling languages, currencies, zones and advanced taxes to sell anywhere in the world.
  • Easily manage your store using the built-in dashboard and its powerful statistics capabilities.
  • HikaShop works on every device (laptop, tablet, smartphone..). Your shop will fit each user’s screen.
  • Increase your sales thanks to affiliate program support, coupons, discounts and email marketing integration.
  • User-friendly and flexible, our component is easy to use and configure. Create your own shop online in a minute
  • HikaShop is integrated with many other components and includes a lot of plugins…
  • Personalize your store: views, checkout, information fields, emails, and more to fit your website design!
  • Adding HikaMarket to HikaShop, create a multi-vendor website. Manage in one shop several sales from different people.

Ready for your next eCommerce project with Hikashop?

Sound interesting with our free Hikashop Joomla templates which are compatible with Joomla 5? Make your next website with an impressive and professional look, get a premium eCommerce project for your client with Hikashop Joomla templates from us on today!


4.9/5 - (43 votes)
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