Add new items

Let’s take the first step from adding a new tag from Component because you cannot add new items without them. Just add at least 1 new tag. It is possible to apply the same tag to many items throughout the portfolio.


Every new tag will have its alias and name. If you already add a new tag, you can start adding new items now.


All the fields with the sign * must be filled, including title, description, image, and tags.

  • Alias – use for creating URL (site address) of the detail page. Components will use the title for creating the alias in default when you don’t enter alias by yourself. The alias will be made in all lower case and replaced blank spaces with “-“. All the characters will be removed since it is not accepted.
  • Image – you can use the available image or upload a new image. Recommended image size is 1170×800 px, but it is still possible if you use a smaller one.
  • Video URL – not only images, but also vimeo or youtube video are contained in portfolio items. Just simply insert the URL of video or leave it blank if it is not required.
  • Description – add the description as well as images to show on item detail page below the main image.

detail page

  • Tags – tags system is where all items based on (same with categories). When you type 3 letters, you will see recommended exist tags. Benefits of this measure if each item is possible to be assigned to many tags. The similar tag will be applied to many content items throughout portfolio. We will use tags to filter portfolio items.
  • URL – every item will have its link. Just leave it blank if you don’t want to display project URL.
  • Status – choose to publish item or not
  • Language – items come with a method to implement a website that is compatible with multi-language. All the items can be associated in many languages.
You should add 3-4 items at least before creating a menu link for the component view. However, generally, the component can use their tags and unlimited items.
admin1 portolio

Display a portfolio item

When you already have tagged items and tags, you can show portfolio in the frontend by following ways:

  • Create a menu link showing portfolio items by using Menu Manager
  • Use SP Simple Portfolio module.

Every new menu item from the Menu Manager consists of settings to help you change the look of the portfolio view.


  • Show Filters – choose Yes or No to show the filter buttons. The filter option might show an item list which has the same tag with the current clicked tag.
  • Grid Layout Settings – choose Gallery, Default without or with space between photos
  • Columns – choose column number for each row  (2 to 4)
  • Thumbnail Size – Square, Masonry style or Rectangular shape
  • Items per page – type in the number, generally, the optimal number will be 12.

That’s it! If you have any question or relating problem, please let us know by leaving a comment below, we will reply as soon as possible!


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