We will see some examples of useful CSS modifications to optimize for example, your new color icons characteristic selector.

First, the display color in the product page:

display color

  • In order to change this add at the end of the CSS file :.hikashop_product_characteristics_table td .inputbox {display: none;}

    .hikashop_product_characteristics_table td img {border: 2px groove black;}

    .hikashop_product_characteristics_table td label {display:inline !important; padding-left: 5px;}

  • Edit and Save the Custom CSS and Result

display color

And now for the products listing page, the filter display:

display color

  •  Just add this at the end of the Css file:.hikashop_filter_color br{ display: none;}.hikashop_filter_checkbox label{border: 2px solid black; display: inline-block !important; margin: 4px;}

    .hikashop_filter_checkbox a {display: none;}

    .hikashop_filter_checkbox input{ margin-right:5px; display:none;}

  • Edit and Save the Custom CSS and Result

display color

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