In this article, we mention how to create a slider and set up the Unite Revolution Slider. Just scroll down and follow the instructions.

How to create a slider with Unite Revolution Slider

Step 1. Go to Components => Unite Revolution Slider.

Step 2. To create a new slider, just click on “New”. After you finished configuring your new SLIDER, click on the “Save and Close” button.

Step 3. Click Edit slides.

Step 4. Just click the “New” button on top of the edit slides page. You’ve added a new slide to your slider.

Create a slider

How to set up the Unite Revolution Slider extension

Unite Revolution Slider allows you to put the slider on the HTML page. You can put one or more sliders on your web page.

Step 1. Please go to “Extensions” => “Module Manager“. Next, publish the Unite Revolution Slider module.

Step 2. Click on a module which you want to edit.

Step 3. Select a Slider from the component.

set up the Unite Revolution Slider extension

Step 4. Select the module position and assign the module to pages under module assignment.

Step 5. Save and close. You’re done!

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