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This problem often comes from the limit of memory (in order to ensure, you should contact the hosting company and ask them to send you the PHP error logs of your server). Let refer this instruction to find the solution for yourself:

Delete several sections on the page which you are trying to save and consider whether you are able to reform the action or not. (it enables you to restore them by using revision history of Elementor Page Builder).

Rise your WordPress memory limitation. You should refer to the requirement of Elementor in to fit the limitation of memory and turn on the WordPress debug mode to find out exactly how many MB you need to have. You should also contact the hosting company for other help.

In case this problem cannot be solved after rising the memory, let split your work up some templates and put them into a different page.

in several situations, saving problems are able to happen when the time of the admin-ajax.php script runs out of. You can also check the error messages in your browser panel to determine exactly this issue. In this case, the error message is “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 413″. Everything you need is to insert the directives following to your .htaccess file in order to raise the dynamic timeout:

<IfModule mod_dtimeout.c> <Files ~ ".php"> SetEnvIf Request_URI "admin-ajax.php" DynamicTimeout=150 </Files> </IfModule> 

Another reason for this problem is the parameters set on your server such as HTTP/HTTPS conflicts. You can solve this issue by inserting an SSL certification to your site. After that, you need to alter your site’s URL from your WordPress Dashboard. Go to Elementor Page Builder, then click on Tools > Replace URL.

While you are trying to update a page, you can meet 403 error which may be from a security plugin. In order to solve this, you need to turn on the learning mode of this plugin or communicate with their support. Another reason for this problem is the firewall of your server which you need to contact your hosting provider to find the solution.


In case the instruction above is not available for you, let contact the support of Elementor Page Builder for the help.

In conclusion.

If you have any questions about this, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. we will reply as soon as possible. Besides, you can also take a look at our Free Elementor Templates here to get a wonderful theme for yourself.

Image credit: docs.elementor

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