Once you created a new slider, you need to set the general setting per slider. Please scroll down and follow the instruction!

As the screenshot shown below, please click the green “Setting” button to open the Slider Settings.

Slider Settings

Unite Revolution Slider

Revolution Slider

Slider Title

It’s an internal used name for the slider.

Slider Alias

Individual name of the slider (not contain special characters and spaces) It will be used to embed ShortCode.

Slider Shortcode

The Shortcode for embedding into WordPress Pages, widgets, etc.

Slider Layouts

Select one of 4 options: Fixed, Custom, Auto Responsive, and Full Screen.

Fixed: A version of the Slider that is not responsive, width and height will be prepared.

Custom: A custom Grid system to set size of Slider per browser size. This option is only used for Frameworks where hasn’t used Fluid Widths.

Auto Responsive: Select this option if your WordPress theme that you’re using is a Fluid Responsive theme, the Slider calculates its own size for every browser size.

FullScreen: The slider will take the height of Window and center the preset Grid within. If the wrapping container allows, it will go Full-height and Fullwidth.

Grid Settings

Set the Width and Height of the Captions here. If you set Auto Responsive or Full Screen, the Slider will go Fullwdith or Fullwidth and Fullheight.

Layout Example

It’s depending on what Settings you use in the Slider Layout and “Unlimited Height” and “Force Full Width” options, it shows you how the Slider will be seen on your Joomla website.

Save Settings

Click this button to update last settings to the Slider. If not, your setting will be lost when you leave the Main Settings panel.

Delete Slider

If you want to delete current Slider, click this button.

Edit Slides

Click this button for further settings per Slide.

Preview Slider

Click to preview the current Slider.

General Settings

General Settings


Set the Delay Globaly for each Silde here.

Shuffle Mode

Turn on or turn off the Random Order of Sliders

Lazy Load

Use Dummy images during Document Load.

Use Multi Language (WPML)

It enables the multilanguage option for the Slider if WPML is installed. It will enable you to choose in which languages each slide can be seen.

Stop Slider

Select “Off” to stop the Slider after a predefined Loop and at a predefined Slide.

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