• Location: Job Seeker Control Panel >> Credits


List of all the job seeker related actions which admin has defined

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Top Menu

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Individual action which cost has been defined, it has action name, cost in credits and expiry if defined.

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There are some actions which expiry can be defined during defining their cost like gold/ featured resume, for these actions multiple costs can be defined with different expiries. If a credit cost has expiry, it will look like above.


  • Location: Employer Control Panel >> Credit


List of Employer related actions which has defined cost.

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Bread Crumbs

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Top Menu

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Page heading with page title

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Cost defined individual action, It has action name, cost in credits and expiry if defined.

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There are some actions for which expiry can be defined during defining their cost like job, gold job, featured job, gold company and featured company, for these actions multiple costs can be defined with different expiries. If a credit cost has expiry then it will be looked like above.

Thank you for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving comment below or through Contact Form, we will answer as soon as possible!



Have you seen this post?

–> JS Jobs Credit System: Credit System and Define Credit

–> How Does JS Jobs Credit System Work?



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