Admin Site Jobs


  • Jobs Listing for Admin:

Admin Control Panel >> Jobs

Admin Right Menu >> Jobs >> Jobs


Jobs listing page for Admin. All the approved or rejected jobs will be listed here

jobsadmin 1

It has a back link to take to control panel, page title, add new job button, and right menu button.

actionbuttonandsorting 2

Action button and Sorting

jobsadmin 3

This is filter for jobs listing, admin can filter jobs on the basis of job title, company name, date created (date range), category, status (approved, rejected), gold and featured. When admin uses filter, only jobs which meet his provided criteria can be shown in listing. Reset button will disable filter criteria and show all jobs.


jobsadmin 4

An individual job performance which has name of the company, logo, job title, gold tag, featured tag, status, published status, category, job type, location and date created of the job, there are some action buttons and links on bottom left side.

There’s link for applied resume on job, copy job, add/remove gold/featured button, enforce delete, delete. Clicking on job title will take to form job along with job details already filled.

<<Delete means job will be deleted if it does not have any resume applied on it.>>
<<Enforce delete means job and the job applies and messages for that job will be deleted>>

The configurations that affect this page are.


Admin control panel >> (Jobs) Approval queue

Admin Right menu >> jobs >> Approval queue



 Jobs Approval Queue page for Admin. All the Pending (waiting for approval) jobs will be listed here.

jobsque 1

This has a back link taking to control panel, page title and right menu

actionbuttonandsorting 3

Action button and Sorting

jobsque 2

This is filter for jobs listing, admin can filter jobs on the basis of job title, company name, date created (date range), category, status (approved, rejected), gold and featured. When admin uses filter, only jobs which meet his provided criteria can be shown in listing. Reset button will disable filter criteria and show all companies.

jobsque 3

An individual job performance which has name of the company, logo, job title, gold tag, featured tag, status, published status, category, job type, location and date created of the job, there are some action buttons and links on bottom left side.

There’s link for applied resume on job, copy job, add/remove gold/featured button, enforce delete, delete. Clicking on job title will take to form job along with job details already filled.

<<Delete means job will be deleted if it does not have any resume applied on it.>>
<<Enforce delete means job and the job applies and messages for that job will be deleted>>

If any job, status is waiting for approval for more than 1 action (job pending, gold/featured pending), approve/ reject buttons will show options separately on hover ( gold approve or reject, featured approved or reject, job approve or reject, all approved or reject)

Thank you for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving comment below or through Contact Form, we will answer as soon as possible!


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