After relocating your site, it is likely that you altered your site’s URL. So, it is necessary for you to follow the step below:

Step 1: Switch on Elementor Page Builder, then click on Tools > Replace URL

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Step 2: Type your old-URL as well as your new-URL and take a click on Replace URL

Step 3: Click on Regenerate CSS which is Under the General Tab, and then click on Regenerate Files

Step 4: In the Settings panel of WordPress Dashboard, Let click on General and make sure that the URLs are similar.

Notice: Ensure that you allocate the

Make sure you assign the license to the new URL through your account on

Important!: Inserting an SSL Certificate to your website (HTTP to HTTPS) also asks you to alter the URL.

In conclusion.

If you have any questions about this, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. we will reply as soon as possible. Besides, you can also take a look at our Free Elementor Templates here to get a wonderful theme for yourself.

Image Credit: docs.elementor

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