Admin Side Credits log


  • Employer Credit Log

Admin Right Menu >> Credits Log >> Employer Credits Log


Record for all the (credit related) actions that are present for employer entities (company, job etc).

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Back link taking to control panel, page title and right menu button.

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Filter for employer credits log. Admin can filter records on the basis of employer name, action, credit used and data range. When admin uses this filter, only records meet his criteria will be shown on the page. Reset button is to disable filter and show all records.

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Table header showing how different columns represent about a record

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Individual record having employer name, action (name of that action that was preformed), action on (a short description of the action performed like entity name and a link to that entity), credits used (the cost of the action or how many credits was used while performing that action) and, Date and time is the exact date and time action was performed.

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If admin click on employer name, a popup will appear on screen which has records that are performed on that particular employer,s entities.

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This popup includes employer name, action, action on, credits used and date/time.



  • Job Seeker Credits Log

Admin Right menu >> Credits Log >> Job Seeker Credits Log


This page has record for all the (credit related) actions that are performed on job seeker entities (resume,cover letter).

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Back link links to control panel, page title and right menu button.


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Filter for job seeker credits log. Admin can use this to find records on the basis of job seeker name, action, credit used and data range. Only records that fulfill admin’s criteria can be shown. Reset button will disable filter criteria and show all records.



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Table header showing what different columns represent about a record

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Individual record having employer name, action (name of that action that was preformed), action on (a short description of the action performed like entity name and a link to that entity), credits used (the cost of the action or how many credits was used while performing that action) and, Date and time is the exact date and time action was performed.

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If admin click job seeker’s name, a popup will appear on screen containing records that are performed on that particular job seeker,s entities.

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Job seeker name, action, action on, credits used and date/time.

Job seeker name is the name of the user who owns he entity on which the action was preformed, action (name of that action that was preformed), action on (a short description of the action performed like entity name and a link to that entity), credits used (the cost of the action or how many credits was used while performing that action) and, Date and time is the exact date and time action was performed.

Thank you for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving comment below or through Contact Form, we will answer as soon as possible!

Have you seen this post?

–>  JS Jobs Credits Rate List: Job Seeker/ Employer Rate List

–> How Does JS Jobs Credit System Work?



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