Thousands of websites, applications, and other software solutions are created daily, and WordPress plays a significant role in this process. This Content Management System allows people to easily create, manage, and publish websites. Moreover, over 40% of websites worldwide are built on this CMS and work perfectly. Much of WordPress’s success is its intuitive interface, customizable themes with HTML and CSS, and JavaScript interactivity. But how can students use it to learn web development? Here’s how this CMS can boost your coding skills.

Understanding the Basics of Web Development

Let’s talk about the basics before getting into the key details. Web development is a multi-layered process that involves creating and maintaining websites, including front-end, back-end, and full-stack activities. Creating websites and other products involves using code created in a specific environment. With WordPress and its templates, beginners can make their tasks easier. Here’s how it’s possible:

  1. Editing templates and analyzing ready-made code fragments.
  2. Comparing pages, their meaning, and main functions.
  3. Editing the year, replacing various fragments, and testing the result.

In other words, if you start with the WordPress environment, you can learn more about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. This environment is like a giant sandbox in which you can pick up all the fragments, examine them from all sides, and understand the principle of their operation.

For a beginner without deep knowledge of programming languages ​​and the essence of web development, this is something like the coding Holy Grail. However, learning the basics will take a long time, so you need some backup. Find a reliable paper writing service like SpeedyPaper if your WordPress journey takes too long and you can’t meet deadlines. This approach is very similar to regular data backups.

Learning HTML and CSS

Most WordPress themes are developed using HTML and CSS. They can all be customized by adding certain blocks of code and observing the results. The WordPress editor is very convenient for visualizing all lines of code, so you can easily understand which block of information is responsible for displaying banners, buttons, or the background of your start page.


As a beginner, you can explore the code’s structure and learn how to create headers, footers, navigation menus, and graphic elements. This approach has the main advantage of being effective. Using your keyboard and mouse as surgical instruments, you will dissect your site and gain practical experience. This strategy will give you the knowledge you need to customize your websites.

Learning PHP through Theme Development

Let’s switch to theme development and how this process will help you learn PHP. The fact is that this is the core scripting language that underlies most WP projects. Start by analyzing and modifying basic theme files like header.php or footer.php. Usually, beginners experiment with basic template tags and PHP functions.

Students can understand how PHP interacts with HTML and CSS based on such activities. The interactivity and dynamism of pages can be easily tested by experimenting with various parameters. After familiarizing yourself with the basic options, you can try to create custom page templates and use PHP to fetch and display data from the WordPress database. For example, you might want to use a loop to display recent posts:

<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

    <h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>

    <p><?php the_excerpt(); ?></p>

<?php endwhile; endif; ?>

In the template editor, you can easily understand where to add a separate block and why it does not work or is displayed incorrectly on the page. In some ways, the site editor will give you more than a basic PHP intensive of 5-8 hours. You won’t want to miss out on this educational opportunity.

By the way, don’t forget that you can always devote an extra couple of hours to analyzing PHP snippets, even if you have a lot of assignments and short deadlines. Consider dissertation writing help as a way to learn code without worrying about academic stress.

Building Custom Plugins

If you ask WordPress fans what analysis of this CMS can teach them, creating custom plugins will be one of the first answers. The beauty of using the WP platform is the ability to expand the functionality of basic templates. Initially, you have only a few pages to expand and add various forms and social network buttons, like counters or windows displaying statistics from other web sources.


Poking around in templates like a mole in a hole will give you an understanding of how to create features that can be added or removed without altering the core files. Starting with basic functionality, students can move on to integrating third-party APIs or creating custom post types. What could be better for coding modular and maintainable software? The main advantage of WordPress is the ability to activate backup and figure out what went wrong quickly.

Exploring JavaScript and jQuery

Working with dynamic content, improving basic form interactions, and adding visual effects in the reactor will help you learn JavaScript and jQuery. Even simple editing and replacement of ready-made snippets will give you an understanding of how many features work. You will also understand how JavaScript works alongside PHP and HTML within the WordPress environment. Here’s what editing WP templates can help you with:

  • Interactive sliders;
  • real-time form validation;
  • dynamic content loading;
  • modal pop-ups;
  • accordion menus.

It’s best to start with simple templates and then move on to test projects to understand DOM manipulation and AJAX for asynchronous data loading. Even if your enthusiasm is enough to acquire basic front-end development skills, you will advance significantly as a coder. Don’t forget that you can always ask questions on forums, Reddit, or specialized platforms and receive useful advice.

Working with REST API

What could be better than analyzing WordPress’s built-in REST API to understand basic data manipulation processes? Interact with this API using YouTube guides and tips on forums. This approach will help you create applications communicating with WordPress sites and exchanging data. Working with REST API also helps to understand RESTful principles and how APIs function.


For example, you can learn how to update content programmatically, manage authentication and permissions, or even integrate external applications. Thanks to a thorough study of website functionality and how it works, expanding the basic functionality of websites will also easily become one of your skills. You just need to be curious and look for answers as soon as any detail seems unclear.

Database Management with MySQL

The key foundation of the web development process is database management with MySQL. Using WordPress and guides, you can learn a lot of useful information about how database management works, including how to use, store, and retrieve data. Students can also structure database tables and understand how data is organized.

You will benefit from the experience of Performing CRUD operations and managing user data and posts. Editing templates also allows you to understand how to implement a particular command correctly. Practical knowledge is very important in web development. For example, what if you need to retrieve the titles of all posts? Here’s how you can do it:

  • SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status = ‘publish’;

As you can see, just one command and you can solve your problem. Feel free to use various SQL queries and test the results on dozens of free templates. This can be accessed on your home server without hosting your site online.

Implementing Custom Post Types and Taxonomies

Do you want to learn how to manage more complex data structures? Perhaps WordPress will be your first step towards gaining deeper knowledge. Start analyzing WP’s custom post types and taxonomies! Different types of content serve different needs, and default options are not always a good solution.

By dissecting the templates and their functions, you can understand how to register custom post types, configure their features, and display them on a specific page. Creating custom taxonomies will help you understand activities such as:

  1. Registering custom post types.
  2. Configuring custom post-type features.
  3. Creating custom taxonomies.
  4. Displaying custom content on the front end.

This is only a part of the possibilities that you will get if you are not lazy and surgically separate the selected template for further study. At the starting stages, you can operate with snippets found on GitHub and other platforms. Train and understand the principles of implementing taxonomies.

Creating and Managing Widgets

It is difficult to imagine modern web development that completely ignores object-oriented programming. Thanks to the WordPress Widget API, you can understand the process of creating custom widgets, interactive elements, or website sidebars. All these elements significantly expand the functionality of any template you choose. Imagine you can test certain pages on your virtual server for a couple of weeks and learn how to encapsulate class functionality.


Doesn’t this opportunity motivate you? Creating modular and reusable code will be useful in your future career, so you must practice hard. WordPress can also help you understand how to interact with WordPress hooks and filters, manipulate the database, and handle user inputs securely. In other words, this is a real Klondike, and you just need to take a shovel to get started. Of course, you can’t do it without guides, useful YouTube instructions, and other materials. At the same time, you have free tools to learn web development at your fingertips, so you shouldn’t hesitate!

Should I Learn to Code or Just Use WordPress As It Is?

This question is quite relevant for many students, given that not all will connect their lives with web development. If you’re purely driven by curiosity, you might want to start with the basics. There is no need to go into the complex aspects of creating multi-level sites by integrating dozens of databases, functions, and other parameters. The most important task for you is visualization.

When you go into page editing mode, you will see how the code is written, for which certain variables and fragments are responsible. Part of the code has a clear purpose and objectives, so knowledge of English is enough for you. It is enough to change one parameter partially, which will entail several other changes. For curious students, this is an endless source of information.

Using additional widgets, instructions, and plugins expands the functionality of WordPress dramatically. Think of the basic version as a house with just walls and a roof. All other renovations are possible only if the basic template is modified. The final decision is yours, but learning the many WordPress scenarios and features will give you much knowledge in web development.

Consider WordPress as A Tool for Web Development

All beginners should consider this CMS purely as a tool to learn basic programming skills quickly. At the same time, there is a high probability that you will have to deal with WP sites for most of your professional journey. Many people need websites but don’t want to pay tens of thousands of dollars for development.

Thanks to WordPress, any student can learn how to create basic web platforms and customize them to suit the needs of a specific client. This is the beauty of WordPress as a platform. Implementing a new design, specific functionality, or widget is not a terribly difficult task.

Once you have a basic template, the rest of the activities take no more than a couple of days. At the same time, WordPress can also be perceived as a way to enter the web development environment with minimal knowledge. Given its popularity, there are millions of articles and videos online with such detailed instructions that you won’t even have to worry about the results. This is the advantage of WordPress as a leading CMS.

Things You Should Avoid

Many students start learning and using WordPress without any understanding of coding principles. They also show excessive carelessness in technical terms. Here are some things you should avoid:

  1. Using insecure or outdated plugins.
  2. Neglecting regular backups.
  3. Ignoring security measures.
  4. Overloading with plugins.
  5. Poor hosting choices.

Avoid such mistakes and carefully study the principles of working with WordPress. The platform can be an ideal start for learning the basics of web development and instantly implementing new skills. Happy coding and success in your academic journey!

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