When does the Destination Folder Already Exists Error occur?

When you are installing a theme or a plugin, have you ever seen the Destination Folder Already Exists error? Because of it, you can’t finish the installation process. So, do you want to know the way how to Fix the Destination Folder Already Exists error? If yes, don’t miss the blog today!

As you know, when you install a plugin or theme, WordPress extracts the zip file of the item being installed into a folder with the same name as that file. If a folder with the same name exists, WordPress will abort your installation with the following error message:

The destination folder already exists. /home/user/example.com/wp-content/plugins/ltheme/

Plugin install failed.

Therefore, before installing any plugin or theme, check that it is installed or not. In case it is not installed, there are 2 reasons why this error appears. First, it may be because you deleted the plugin or theme before but failed. The other reason is that you have been in the process of installing a theme or plugin but have not completed it. This created an empty destination directory.

So, when this error occurs, what should we do to fix it? The answer lies in the next part of today’s blog.

The method to Fix Destination Folder Already Exists Error

First of all, let’s connect to the WordPress site via an FTP client or cPanel File Manager. Then, you need to access /wp-content/ or /wp-content/themes/ folder.

Next, it’s time for you to look for the folder that has already been named after the theme or plugin you tried to install. After that, you just need to delete it.

Now, let’s go back to the WordPress admin area and install the theme or plugin you need. There won’t be this error here.


In conclusion, we hope that with the short instruction today, you are able to Fix the Destination Folder Already Exists Error effectively. If you believe this blog is useful, why don’t you share it with your friends? Furthermore, don’t forget to visit our site and get many impressive Free WordPress Themes here.

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