How Credit System Work?

  • Add New Job

There’re many scenarios or cases to add job such as

Add job when there’re no credits defined for add job

User will see start publishing, stop publishing fields and and filling required fields. Click save to save the job.

Add job when there are credits defined for add job without expiry

User will see start publishing, stop publishing fields and after filling required fields, click on save button to open popup with details like total credits of employer, cost in credits for add job credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.

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If employer selects proceed,he will be charged for that job, Cancel button will close the popup without saving the job.

Add job when there are (multiple) credits defined for add job with expiry

In this case user will only see start publishing field and after filling required fields click  save button to open popup with details like total credits of employer, credits options for that action with expiries (if defined), credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.

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If employer selects proceed he will be charged for that job, Cancel button will close the popup without saving the job. Stop publishing date of job will generated by adding credits expiry(days) in current date.

Add job when there is credit defined with 0 cost and expiry (in days) for add job

In this case user will only see start publishing field and after filling required fields click save button will save the job. Stop publishing date of job will generated by adding credits expiry (days) in current date.

  • Add to Gold Job

Add to gold button is visible on my jobs page.

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When user clicks add to gold job button:

  • If cost for add to gold is not defined, job will show gold/waiting tag next to its title and gold expiry will be five years.
  • If cost for add to gold job is defined, a popup will appear on screen that will have details like total credits of employer, credits options for that action with expiries (if defined), credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.

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If there is only one credit option with expiry is defined for gold job then this is how popup is gonna appear.

If user does not have required credits for gold job, he will see a message “You do not have enough credits” and a link to buy credits. If user clicks proceed, job title will show gold/waiting tag next to it, credits that was required for gold job  will be deducted from his total credits. If multiple credits were defined for gold job, expiry of option would be selected, If no expiry is defined then it will be gold for 5 years. Cancel button is to close the popup.

  •  Add to Featured Job


Add to featured button is visible on my jobs page.

When user clicks add to featured job button:

  • If cost for add to featured is not defined then job will show featured/waiting tag next to its title and featured expiry will be five years.
  • If cost for add to featured job is define, a popup will appear on screen with details like total credits of employer, credits options for that action with expiries (if defined), credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.

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If there is only one credit option with expiry is defined for featured job, this popup will appear

If user does not have required credits for featured job, he will see a message “You do not have enough credits” and a link to buy credits. If user chooses proceed, job title will show featured/waiting tag next to it and credits that was required for featured job (if multiple credits were defined for featured job then credits of option selected) will be deducted from his total credits and the featured expiry date will be, if multiple credits were defined for featured job then expiry of option selected. If no expiry is defined, it will be featured for 5 years. Cancel button is to close the popup.

  • Add New Company

When employer has filled all the required fields and save it, if cost for add company is not defined, the company will be saved. But if there is cost for add company, a popup will appear on screen having details like total credits of employer, credits required for action, credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.

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If employer selects proceed, the employer will be charged. Cancel button will close the popup without saving the company.

  • Add to Gold/ Featured Company

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Add to gold/ featured button is visible on my companies page. If there is only one credit option with expiry is defined for gold/featured company, this popup will appear.

When user clicks add to gold/featured company button. If cost for add to gold/featured is not defined then company will show gold/waiting tag next to its title and gold expiry will be five years. If cost for add to gold/featured company is defined, a popup will appear on screen with details like total credits of employer, credits options for that action with expiries (if defined), credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.

If user does not have required credits for gold/featured company, he will see a message “you do not have enough credits” and a link to buy credits. If user clicks proceed, company name will show gold/featured/waiting tag next to it, credits that was required for gold company (if multiple credits were defined for gold company, credits of option selected) will be deducted from his total credits and the gold/featured expiry date will be, if multiple credits were defined for gold/featured company then expiry of option selected, if no expiry is defined then it will be gold/featured for 5 years. Cancel button will close the popup.

  • Add New Resume

When job seeker has filled all the required fields and save, if cost for add resume is not defined, the resume will be saved, but if there is cost for add resume, a popup will appear on screen with details like total credits of job seeker, credits required for add resume, credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.

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If job seeker clicks proceed, he will be charged for that resume, cancel button will close the popup and resume won’t be saved.

  • Add to Gold Resume

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If there is only one credit option with expiry is defined for gold/featured resume, these popup will appear

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When user clicks add to gold/featured resume button.

  • If cost for add to gold/featured is not defined, resume will show gold/featured/waiting tag next to its title and gold//featured expiry will have five years long last.
  • If cost for add to gold/featured resume is defined then a popup will appear on screen with  details like total credits of job seeker, credits options for that action with expiries (if defined), credits remaining after proceeding and proceed, cancel.

If there is only one credit option with expiry is defined for gold/featured resume, this popup will appear

If user does not have required credits for gold/featured resume, he will see a message “you do not have enough credits” and a link to buy credits. If user clicks on proceed, resume title will show gold//featured waiting tag next to it and credits that was required for gold resume (if multiple credits were defined for gold/featured resume then credits of option selected) will be deducted from his total credits and the gold/featured expiry date will be, if multiple credits were defined for gold/featured resume then expiry of option selected, if no expiry is defined then it will be gold/featured for 5 years.

  • Job Save Search 

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When job seeker fills criteria to search, they will be taken to jobs listing where active jobs that fulfill his specified criteria are going to be listed. There is a save job search form allowing to save any job search criteria to view it later. The visibility of save search form is managed from configuration. If job seeker clicks save search button and cost for job save search is not defined, search criteria will be saved, But if there is cost for job save search then a popup will appear on screen with details like total credits of job seeker, credits required for job save search, credits remaining after proceeding.


If job seeker clicks proceed,  he will be charged for that job save search as well as search record will be saved, cancel button is to close the popup.

  • Resume Save Search

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If employer clicks on proceed, he will be charged for that resume save search and search will be saved,

When employer fills criteria and search, he will be  taken to resumes listing where active resumes that meet his criteria are listed. There is a save resume search form  allows to save any resume search criteria to view it later, its visibility is controlled from configuration. If employer clicks save search button and cost for resume save search is not defined then search criteria will be saved, but if there is cost for resume save search, a popup will appear on screen with details like total credits of employer, credits required for resume save search, credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.

  • Add New Department

When employer fills department fields and save from add new department page, cost for add department is not defined then department will be saved, but if there is cost for add department, a popup will appear on screen along with details like total credits of employer, credits required for add department, credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.


If employer choose proceed, he will be charged for that department and it will be saved

  • Add New Cover Letter

When job seeker fills cover letter fields save it from add new cover letter page and cost for add cover letter is not defined, cover letter will be saved. But if there is cost for add cover letter, a popup will appear on screen with total credits of job seeker, credits required for add cover letter, credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.


If job seeker clicks proceed, he will be charged for that cover letter and it will be saved

  • Job Alert

When user fills job alert fields and save from add new job alert page and cost for add job alert is not defined, job alert will be saved, but if there is cost for add job alert, a popup will appear on screen having details like total credits of user, credits required for add job alert, credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.addjobalertpopup

If user click proceed he will be charged for that job alert and job alert will be saved,

  • View Company Contact Detail

If the configuration for view company contact detail is disabled, cost for view company contact detail is not defined, all the contact details will be appear and if that configuration is disabled and cost for view company contact detail is defined, employers and job seeker will see a “show contact details” buttonwhich contains details like total credits of user, credits required for action, credits remaining after proceed.companydetailpopup 1

When user chooses proceed, he will be charged for viewing contact detail of company which will turn to be visible for user.

User will only be charged once to view company’s contact detail, then contact details will be visible whenever he open it

  • View Resume Contact Detail

If the configuration for view resume contact detail is disabled and cost for view resume contact detail is not defined, all the contact details will be visible

If that configuration is disabled and cost for view resume contact detail is defined, employers and job seeker will see  “show contact details” button, which contains details like total credits of user, credits required for action, credits remaining after proceed.


Click  proceed, users will be charged for viewing contact detail of resume and it will turn to be visible to him.

Thank you for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving comment below or through Contact Form, we will answer as soon as possible!

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–> JS Jobs Credit System: Credit System and Define Credit

–> JS Jobs Front End Resumes: How to Add Resume for Job Seeker?

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