Occasionally, due to the Negative Margins, you can not access or edit a section & the section’s handle or in other words, it is hidden. This may deter from it gets hidden behind a section or the header which comes from the theme overlaps it.

You can follow this instruction to solve it:

Step 1: Press F12 or take a right click and check element on the section.

Step 2: Determine the section which you cannot get access. It may include the HTML code:

<section data-id="d506459" data-element_type="section">

Step 3. Insert Margin-top on the section:

element.style {
    margin-top: 100px;

Step 4. Now you are able to get access to the section and edit it again by switching on Advanced panel and inserting several margins.

In conclusion.

If you have any questions about this, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. we will reply as soon as possible. Besides, you can also take a look at our Free Elementor Templates here to get a wonderful theme for yourself.

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