To install JS Jobs, you need to find and download JS Jobs Free Version (without paying) on or Joomla JED. After your download completed, let’s start to install it.

STEP 1: Login into your Joomla Dashboard. In “Extensions” menu, choose “Install”.

install js jobs

STEP 2: Click “Browse” button to choose file JS Jobs Free Version downloaded, then click “Upload & Install”. Installation will be successful after a while.

install js jobs

STEP 3: Check everything in “Quick Configuration” and “Sample Date”, then click “Finish” and your system will be up to date!

install js jobs

That’s all of our “Install JS Jobs Free Version” tutorial. If you have any question or you want more information about this tutorial, please feel free to contact us through Contact Form. We will give you a suitable response as soon as possible. Thank you for reading!







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