Employer Configurations: Visitor Links and Email Alert

Employer Configurations (end)  VISITOR LINKS Control Panel: controls the visibility of control panel link on top menu for visitors. Add Job: controls visibility of adding job link in top menu for visitors. Resume Search: controls visibility of resume search link in...

Subcategory image size in K2

Original article in Subcategory image size in K2 First, the size of the subcategory image is determined in the /components/com_k2/css/k2.css file. In the line of code shown below we can set the width either in pixels or in percentage (basically for...

K2 Items

1. Accessing K2 Items Step 1. Login to administrative back-end for your website The first thing you need to do is to go to: www.yoursite.com/administrator, then type your username and password to log in. Step 2. Select K2 Items If your Administration page is showing a...

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