JQMIGRATE: migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 – What is it?

When you check the google console, sometimes you will see a message like an image below? This message means that you are using a version of JQuery which helps to migrate old versions. It may make your menu not work. However, don’t worry because it is not an important problem. So, in the blog today, we would like to bring you a simple solution to deal with the error effectively. Let’s take a look!

JQMIGRATE migrate is installedversion 1.4.1

How to Tackle JQMIGRATE: migrate is installed, version 1.4.1

In order to solve the issue, you simply go to the functions.php file in your theme folder, then paste the following code:

add_action( ‘wp_default_scripts’, function( $scripts ) {
if ( ! empty( $scripts->registered[‘jquery’] ) ) {
$scripts->registered[‘jquery’]->deps = array_diff( $scripts->registered[‘jquery’]->deps, array( ‘jquery-migrate’ ) );
} );

Finally, don’t forget to press the F5 key and check the result.

JQMIGRATE: migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 – Final thoughts

In conclusion, we believe that the solution we introduced above will be useful for you and your WordPress site. If you have another method to fix the trouble, let us know by leaving your comment below. Don’t forget to share the blog with your friends if you think it is great. Moreover, let’s follow us because we will come back with many troubleshoot blogs. Thank you since you spend your time visiting our blog and sharing your idea. Hope you enjoy it!

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