JS Jobs Credit System (continued)

JS Jobs implement credit system is to control employer and job seeker options. Admin create packages for employer and job seeker with cost and credits. Users can buy package defined by admin through PayPal or WooCommrece.

Admin can define credits(cost) for different actions like:

Add Company, Gold Company, Feature Company

Add Job, Gold Job, Feature Job

Add Resume, Gold Resume, Feature Resume

Add Department, Add Cover Letter,Saving Job Search Filter, Saving Resume Search Filter

– Job Alert, Viewing Company Contact details, Viewing Resume Contact details Whenever user has any of the those actions, he/she will be charged for that action. Admin can define multiple costs for same action with different expires.



  • Credit Listing

Admin Control Panel >> Credits

Admin Right Menu >> Credits  >> Creditscredits


Credit page of Admin lists all the defined credits


Credit actions consist of 5 groups

credits 1

Back link taking to control panel, page title, add new credit button and right menu button


Action Button

credits 2

Table header showing what different columns represent for a record

credits 3

Individual record (defined cost and expiry for a action). It has action name ( link to form credits for that particular action), action for, cost, expiry, status, action. Status portion represents status (publish, unpublish) of the record and can also be used to change status (publish, unpublish) of the record by a single click. In action portion there are two icons one is for edit and the other is for delete.


  • Add New Credits

Credit Layout >> Add new Credits button


This page is to define costs for different actions. The actions for which cost can be defined are add company, gold company, featured company,add job, gold job, featured job, add resume, gold resume, featured resume, job save search, resume save search, add department, add cover letter, job alert, view company contact detail and view resume contact detail.


addnewcredits 1

Back link taking to control panel, page title and right menu button

addnewcredits 2

Providing credit system basic information. How it works and what is the meaning of expiry field.

There are two kinds of actions, one that can have expiries and others that can not. For the First kind:

addnewcredits 3

This portion has fields that are to define a new credit (cost for action), on the top there is a combo box that has list of actions, then cost in credits and status.

For the second kind

addnewcredits 4

This portion has fields that are to be used for defining a new credit (cost for action), on the top there is a combo box that has list of actions, then expiry in days,cost in credits and status. At the bottom there are two buttons save (defines a new credit) and cancel (closes this page without saving).

  • Multiple Credits

There are action that can have multiple costs defined for them with different expiries. The actions that support multiple costs are , gold company, featured company, add job, gold job, featured job, gold resume and featured resume. When user tries to perform any of these actions and multiple costs are defined for that action, user will see this popup

goldpopupjob 1

The popup with details like total credits of employer, credits options for that action with expiries, credits remaining after proceeding and two buttons proceed and cancel.

If user clicks proceed, that action will be performed, credits of option selected will be deducted from his total credits, the expiry date will be expiry of option selected added into current date. Cancel button will close the popup.


Thank you for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving comment below or through Contact Form, we will answer as soon as possible!

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