Front End Messages

  • Over view of Messages System

Employer can send message from view resume to job seeker. When employer clicks in top portion of resumea popup will appear on screen with subject field, message field, and send message button.

Employer can send message to job seeker from job applied resume, there is a button for sending message in bottom action buttons. When employer clicks on it, a popup will appear on screen with subject field, message field, and send message button.

Whenever job seeker or employer receive a message, they will get a notification on their respective control panels, click on message notification to be taken to message detail.

When someone tries to send a message which contains phone number, email address or web address, that message will be marked as conflicted message. There is a configuration for admin to control whether conflicted message will be visible to receiver or not.


  • Employer Messages

Employer Control Panel >> Messages


Messages page for employer with all messages regarding a particular employer.

employermessages 1

Bread Crumbs

topmenu emp 10

Top menu

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Page heading with page title

employermessages 3

A group of messages, the grouping can be on the basis on job or resume.

Grouping by job means that it will show a total count of messages regarding job from different job seekers.

Grouping by resume means that if employer sent message to any resume from view resume that will be shown here separately. If first message was sent from job apply then this portion will contain job title, company name and a button with count of messages in it, this button links to job messages layout.

employermessages 4

If first message was sent from view resume,  this portion will contain job seeker name, resume title and a button with count of messages in it,click on this button to take to messages detail layout.


  • Job Messages

Employer Control Panel >> Messages >> Count button


Job messages page containing all the messages regarding a particular job from different job seeker.

jobmessages 1

Bread Crumbs

topmenu emp 10

Top menu

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Page heading with page title

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Group of messages, each group has messages from a particular job seeker. This portion includes job seeker name, resume title and a button to take to messages detail layout.


  • Messages Detail

Messages >> Click Count Button



Messages detail page: contains complete conversation of job seeker and employer. They can use this page to reply message.

employermessages 2

Page heading with page title

topmenu emp 10

Top Menu

employermessages 1

Bread Crumbs

messagesdetailf 3

General information about job seeker and employer. They are having conversation. It has company logo, job seeker/employer name, job title, resume title, company name.

messagesdetailf 4

Subject and body of first message (conversation starter) sent by employer.

messagesdetailf 5

Text editor and a send message button, user can write something in text editor. Click send, that message will be saved and sent.

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Containing all the messages of the current conversation regardless of the messages author

messagesdetailf 7

Individual message sent by job seeker, employer or admin having photo/logo ,sender (job seeker sent, employer sent, you sent), date and message


  • Job Seeker Messages


Job seeker messages page containing all the messages regarding a particular job resume or apply.

jobseekermessages 1

Bread Crumbs

topmenu emp 10

Top Menu

jobseekermessages 2

Page heading with page title

jobmessages 3 1

Group of messages with  each group having messages from a regarding specific resume or job apply. This portion includes job seeker name, resume title and a button is to  take to messages detail layout.

Thank you for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving comment below or through Contact Form, we will answer as soon as possible!

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