• Tag Listing

Admin Right menu >> Tags


All the defined tags in the system

Tagslisting 1

Back link  brings to control panel, page title, add new tag button and right menu button.

Tagslisting 2

Action buttons: performing different action on single or multiple (using check boxes) tags at a time. The available buttons  are publish, unpublish, delete.

Tagslisting 3

Filter for tags listing.

Tagslisting 4

Table header showing what different columns represent for a record. First column is a check box it can be used to select all visible records and perform any action on those records using top action buttons.

Tagslisting 5

Individual record has name, published, tags link and actions for a tag.

Name is text how the tag will appear in auto complete tag field on forms and on views.

Tag for is who can see this tag in auto complete box (job seeker, employer, both).

Status of tag decides  that tag will appear in auto complete input box of tags on forms or not.

If admin clicks edit icon, admin will be brought back to add tag layout with details of tag filled in the form(edit case). If admin clicks delete icon, tag will be deleted.


  • Add New Tag

Tag >> Add New Tag


This page is to insert new tag to the system

Formtag 1

Back link to tags listing, page title and right menu button.

Formtag 2

State*: this will state to which tag will belong

Tag*: this will be tag name

Published: controls publish/ unpublish of tag

(fields that have ‘*’ next to their title are required)

Formtag 3

If the required fields are already filled, choose save tag button will save tag. cancel button is to  close this page and bring back to tag listing page.

Thank you for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving comment below or through Contact Form, we will answer as soon as possible!



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