In this article, I’ll introduce the The Data processing engines In Akeeba Backup part 3

Data processing engines part III

14.Upload to Amazon S3

Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the Amazon S3 cloud storage service and other storage services providing an S3-compatible API.

Upload to Amazon S3

The required settings for this engine are:

  • Process each part immediately: If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it’s ready.  If you don’t enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized.
  • Delete archive after processingIf enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to Amazon S3.
  • Access KeyYour Amazon S3 Access Key.
  • Secret KeyYour Amazon S3 Secret Key
  • Use SSLIf enabled, an encrypted connection will be used to upload your archives to Amazon S3.
  • BucketThe name of your Amazon S3 bucket where your files will be stored in. The bucket must be already created; Akeeba Backup can not create buckets.
  • Amazon S3 Region: A new pane opens to the left. The second row is labelled Region. This is where your bucket was created in. Go back to Akeeba Backup and select the corresponding option from the drop-down.
  • Signature methodThis option determines the authentication API which will be used to “log in” the backup engine to your Amazon S3 bucket. You have two options:
  1. v4 (preferred for Amazon S3).
  2. v2 (legacy mode, third party storage providers.
  • DirectoryThe directory inside your Amazon S3 bucket where your files will be stored in.
  • Disable multipart uploads.
  • Custom endpoint: Enter the custom endpoint (connection URL) of a third party service which supports an Amazon S3 compatible API. Please remember to set the Signature method to v2 when using this option.
15.Upload to Remote SFTP server

Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to any SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) server.

The available configuration options are:

  • Process each part immediately: If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it’s ready. If you don’t enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized.
  • Delete archive after processingIf enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to the SFTP server.
  • Host nameThe hostname of your remote (target) server. ou must NOT enter the sftp:// or ssh:// protocol prefix. If you do, Akeeba Backup will try to remove it automatically and issue a warning about it.
  • Port: The TCP/IP port of your remote host’s SFTP (SSH) server. It’s usually 22. If unsure, please ask your host.
  • User nameThe username you have to use to connect to the remote SFTP server. This must be always provided
  • PasswordThe password you have to use to connect to the remote SFTP server.
  • Private key file (advanced): If you want to use this kind of authentication you will need to provide a set of two files, your public and private key files.If you are using encrypted private key files enter the passphrase in the Password field above. If it is not encrypted, which is a bad security practice, leave the Password field blank.
  • Public Key File (advanced): If you are using the key file authentication method described above you will also have to supply the public key file. Enter here the full filesystem path to the public key file.
  • Initial directory: The absolute filesystem path to your remote site’s location where your archives will be stored. Above the right-hand folder pane you will see a text box with a path. Copy this path and paste it to Akeeba Backup’s setting.
16.Upload to SugarSync

Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to the SugarSync cloud storage service. SugarSync has a free tier (with 5Gb of free space) and a paid tier. Akeeba Backup can work with either one.

The required settings for this engine are:

  • Process each part immediatelyIf you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it’s ready.If you don’t enable this option, the upload process will take place after the backup is complete and finalized.
  • Delete archive after processingIf enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to SugarSync.
  • EmailThe email used by your SugarSync account.
  • PasswordThe password used by your SugarSync account.
  • Directory: The directory inside SugarSync where your files will be stored in.
17.Upload to WebDAV

Using this engine, you can upload your backup archives to any server which supports the WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) protocol.

The required settings for this engine are:

  • Process each part immediately: If you enable this, each backup part will be uploaded as soon as it’s ready.
  • Delete archive after processingIf enabled, the archive files will be removed from your server after they are uploaded to SugarSync.
  • UsernameThe username you use to connect to your WebDAV server.
  • PasswordThe password you use to connect to your WebDAV server.
  • WebDAV base URLThe base URL of your WebDAV server’s endpoint.
  • Directory: The directory inside the WebDAV folder where your files will be stored in.
18.Upload to /

As of Akeeba Backup 3.10.1 you can use the Upload to WebDAV option to upload your backup archives to You will need to use the following parameters:

  • UsernameYour email address
  • PasswordYour password
  • WebDAV base URL
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