This page didn’t load google maps correctly. See the javascript console for technical details
What caused the error ‘This page didn’t load google maps correctly. See the javascript console for technical details’? Nowadays, many websites are using Google Maps to make the information clearer and more visual. However, sometimes, there will be...
Can’t load URL: The domain of this URL isn’t included in the app’s domains
Why do you get the error Can’t load URL: The domain of this URL isn’t included in the app’s domains? When you work with Facebook Login to share your campaign on the social network, have you ever faced the error Can’t load URL: The domain of...
This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS
This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS – What’s going on? When you are deploying the API on Chrome and trying to consume it for the web app, have you ever got the error This request has been blocked; the content must be served...
Warning: session_start(): cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent
Warning: session_start(): cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent – What’s wrong? Have you ever had trouble with the session start of PHP? For example, when you started a session on a particular page, did you get the error: Warning:...
Cannot use object of type stdclass as array
Suddenly, one day you get into trouble with the fatal error “Cannot use object of type stdclass as array”. And you are also looking for a useful solution to handle this problem. Luckily, in this blog, we are going to explain and fix this common error that...
Fatal error: allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted
Once running the PHP website source code, it is certain that your website has encountered at least one of the prevalent errors. And “fatal error: allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted” is regarded as the most common error. This error is a...
Jinstaller: :install: can’t find XML setup file
Jinstaller: :install: can’t find XML setup file – What are the reasons? Are you using Joomla 2.x or 3.x version? If yes, have you ever had trouble with the message Jinstaller: :install: can’t find XML setup file when you are upgrading or installing a...
Uncaught error: bootstrap’s javascript requires jquery
Uncaught error: bootstrap’s javascript requires jquery – introduction When you utilize Bootstrap and add jQuery 1.x.x to build up your site, have you ever got the Uncaught error: bootstrap’s javascript requires jquery yet? If yes, do you know how to...
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