Why should you use Force HTTPS for your website?

As you know, HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. It is considered a secure version of HTTP because the communication link between the browser you are using and the website you are connecting to is encrypted through the use of SSL (Secure Socket Layer). HTTPS is commonly used by websites to secure online transactions, such as banking or online shopping.

When you build a new website with Joomla 4, one of the first important things you should do is install an SSL certificate to encrypt traffic. Next step, you need to force HTTPS on Joomla 4 traffic. So, in the blog today, we would like to bring you the way how to use Force HTTPS in Joomla 4. Let’s get started now!

How to use Force HTTPS in Joomla 4

First of all, let’s log in to your Joomla 4 backend dashboard. After that, on the Toggle Menu, you just need to go to System -> Global Configuration.

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Now, in the Server Tab, you will see the Force HTTPS section. Thus, you simply change it into Entire Site.

Don’t forget to click on the Save or Save & Close button to store your changes.

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In case your site is behind a load balancer, let’s change the Behind Load Balancer to the Yes option. Now, access your site in a private browsing session, so you will see that it will redirect to an SSL connection automatically. If not, let’s try again after clearing the cache of your Joomla site, server as well as browser.

After using Force HTTPS for your website, you can also protect the users by adding HTTPS Strict Transport Security Header to your Joomla 4 site. This will force the SSL redirect within the browser before requesting the reach your server. Therefore, not only the server but also SSL redirects and HSTS will work together to secure your site. Let’s check out the way how to use HTTP headers to secure the Joomla 4 site here.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, we are very happy to share with you a tip to help you secure your site and your users. So, we hope that you can do that effectively via the blog today. Besides that, don’t forget to introduce to your friends the blog if you think it is really useful. Last but not least, if you want to get more templates for your site, let’s visit many attractive Joomla 4 Templates here.

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