When job seeker/visitor choose Apply Now button, if employer inserted a job apply redirect url, the job seeker/visitor will be redirected to that url. Or if employer did not insert a job apply redirect url but admin did, job seeker/visitor will be redirected to that url.

If no Job apply redirect url is defined, this popup that will appear on screen when clicking Apply now


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Popup header

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Job title

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Selecting resume and cover letter that user want to apply for that job. There’ s combo box of available resumes and cover letters, job seeker can select any from the available list and that resume and cover letter will be associated (will be visible to employer) with job apply.

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If this portion appears, that’s mean job seeker doesnt have any approved resume in the system, so this portion appears to announce and have a button to Add Resume

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If job seeker does not have any (approved) cover letter in the system but they have their own, there will be combo box of resumes and a message that you do not have any cover letter and a add cover letter link.

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Click Apply now to submit job seeker selected resume and cover letter. Close button is to close the popup




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This portion includes social job apply options. Only the social job apply options which are enabled from configuration can be visible here. There is a set of configurations that need to be configured properly for social job apply to work. If social job applies are configured User can apply for a job by using facebook, xing or linkedin profile.

Click on facebook/ xing/ linkedin icon will take job seeker to the layout where user will have to login his facebook/ xing/ linkedin account.

After that, user will be prompted whether the app (that he created for his plugin for social job applies to work) can access his information.


If no Job apply redirect url is defined, login message to visitor configuration is enabled, then Visitor clicks apply now, a popup will appear on screen.

  • Click login, he will be redirected to login page and upon log in he will be redirected back to where it originated from (job listing, view job, shortlisted job).
  • Click apply as visitor will take to add resume page. But in this case resume form will have a small form floating on the bottom, that will have two buttons cancel and apply now.

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If show login message to visitor is disabled, the visitor will be redirected to visitor add resume page upon clicking on apply now button. But in this case resume form will have a small form floating on the bottom, that will have two buttons cancel and apply now.



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Fill the resume form and inserts details in different sections and then click  apply now, the job will be applied with this resume. Cancel button is to close the add resume page.



JS Jobs does not provide interface for employer job apply. If employer clicks on apply now button, he will see this popup:

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The configurations that affect this page are.

Job Apply With Facebook.
Job Apply With xing.
Job Apply With Facebook.
Show Apply button.
Apply Now Redirect Link.
Visitor Can Apply To Job.
Show Login Message To Visitor.


Thank you for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving comment below or through Contact Form, we will answer as soon as possible!

Have you seen this post?

–> JS Jobs Front End Resumes: Resumes by Categories, Search Resume, Resume Listing

–> JS Jobs Front End Resumes: How to Add Resume for Job Seeker?


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