Note: This option is only available in the Akeeba Backup Professional releases.

Front-end backup failure check, for use with CRON

  • Step 1: You go to Akeeba Backup’s main page and click on the Options button in the toolbar.
  • Step 2:  Find the option titled Enable front-end and remote backup and set it to Yes. Then you will find the option named Secret key.
  • Step 3: After you’re done, click the Save button on top to save the settings and close the dialog.
Using to automate your failed backup checks
  • Step 1: You go to Akeeba Backup’s main page (Control Panel) and click on the Options button in the toolbar.
  • Step 2: Find the option titled Enable front-end and remote backup and set it to Yes.Then you will find the option named Secret key.

Log in to In the CRON area, click on the New Cron button. Here’s what you have to enter at’s interface:

  • Name of cronjob: anything you like.
  • Timeout: 30sec
  • Url you want to execute
  • Login and Password: Leave them blank.
  • Execution time

Now click on Submit and you’re all set up!

A PHP alternative to wget

For starters, you need to save the following PHP script as check.php somewhere your host’s cron feature can find it.

Using the front-end backup in SiteGround and other hosts using cURL instead of wget

In the CPanel for SiteGround there is a cronjob option, you create a cronjob using that and use: curl -b /tmp/cookies.txt -c /tmp/cookies.txt -L -v “<url>” as your command.

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