If you’re a WordPress user, you’ve probably encountered the dreaded “Error Establishing a Database Connection” at some point. This error message appears when WordPress is unable to connect to the database that stores all your site’s content and settings.

This can be a frustrating issue, but don’t worry – there are several steps you can take to diagnose and fix the problem. In this blog post, we’ll walk through the most common causes of this error and the steps you can take to get your WordPress site back up and running.

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Step 1: Check Your WordPress Database Credentials

The most common cause of the “Error Establishing a Database Connection” is incorrect database credentials. When you first set up your WordPress site, you entered details like the database name, username, and password. If any of these details are incorrect, WordPress won’t be able to connect to the database.

To check your database credentials:

  1. Log into your WordPress admin dashboard: Start by logging into your WordPress admin dashboard. This is the backend of your WordPress site where you can manage your content, settings, and other site-related tasks.
  2. Go to the “Settings” menu and click on “Database”:  In the admin dashboard, locate the “Settings” menu and click on the “Database” option. This will take you to the page where you can view and edit your database settings.
  3. Verify that the “Database Name”, “Username”, “Password”, and “Database Host” fields are all filled out correctly: On the Database settings page, look for the fields labeled “Database Name”, “Username”, “Password”, and “Database Host”. Make sure that the information in these fields matches the details you originally used to set up your WordPress database.
  4. If any of the information is incorrect, update it and then try refreshing your site:  If you find that any of the database credential details are incorrect, update them with the correct information. Once you’ve made the changes, try refreshing your WordPress site to see if the “Error Establishing a Database Connection” has been resolved.

By following these steps, you can verify that your WordPress site is using the correct database credentials. If the error persists after updating the credentials, you may need to check your WordPress configuration file or try other troubleshooting steps.

Step 2: Check Your WordPress Configuration File


Another possible cause of the database connection error is an issue with your WordPress configuration file, known as wp-config.php. This file contains all the critical details WordPress needs to connect to your database.

To check your wp-config.php file:

  1. Log into your WordPress website’s hosting dashboard (e.g., cPanel, Plesk, etc.): Start by logging into your hosting account’s dashboard, where you can access the files and settings for your WordPress website.
  2. Locate the wp-config.php file in your WordPress installation directory: Within your hosting dashboard, navigate to the directory where your WordPress site is installed. This is usually a folder named after your website or something similar. Inside this directory, look for the wp-config.php file.
  3. Open the file and verify that the database credentials (DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_HOST) match the information you entered in Step 1: Open the wp-config.php file, either by downloading it and opening it on your local computer or by using an in-browser file editor provided by your hosting provider. Locate the section of the file that contains the database connection details, usually denoted by constants like DB_NAMEDB_USERDB_PASSWORD, and DB_HOST.Verify that the values in this section match the database credentials you checked in the previous step.
  4. If any of the details are incorrect, update the file and save your changes: If you find that any of the database connection details in the wp-config.php file are incorrect, update them with the correct information. After making the changes, save the file and try refreshing your WordPress site to see if the “Error Establishing a Database Connection” has been resolved.

Step 3: Clear Your Browser Cache

Sometimes, a cached version of your WordPress site can cause a database connection error. Clearing your browser cache can often resolve this issue.

To clear your browser cache:

  1. Open your web browser and go to your WordPress site.
  2. Press Ctrl+F5 (Windows/Linux) or Command+R (Mac) to force a full page refresh.
  3. If the error persists, try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies. The steps to do this will vary depending on your browser, but you can usually find the option in your browser’s settings or preferences menu.

Settings Permalink Settings

Resaving your WordPress permalinks is another common troubleshooting step for the “Error Establishing a Database Connection” issue. Permalinks are the permanent URLs for your WordPress posts, pages, and other content. If there’s an issue with your permalink settings, it can sometimes cause a database connection problem.

To resave your WordPress permalinks:

  1. Log into your WordPress admin dashboard: Start by logging into your WordPress admin dashboard, the backend of your WordPress site.
  2. Navigate to the “Permalinks” settings page: In the admin dashboard, locate the “Settings” menu and click on “Permalinks”. This will take you to the page where you can manage your permalink settings.
  3. Click the “Save Changes” button without making any changes: On the Permalinks settings page, simply click the “Save Changes” button, even if you don’t need to modify any of the permalink settings. This will force WordPress to resave the permalink structure.
  4. Refresh your WordPress site to see if the issue is resolved: After clicking the “Save Changes” button, try refreshing your WordPress site to see if the “Error Establishing a Database Connection” message has been resolved.

Resaving your permalinks can sometimes help resolve database connection issues by ensuring that your WordPress site’s URL structure is correctly configured and compatible with the database connection. If the error persists after resaving your permalinks, you may need to try additional troubleshooting steps, such as deactivating and reactivating your WordPress plugins, clearing your website’s cache, or contacting your hosting provider for further assistance.

Step 5: Deactivate and Reactivate Plugins

How To Disable Wordpress Plugins 1

If the above steps don’t work, the issue may be caused by a conflicting plugin. Try deactivating all your plugins and then reactivating them one by one to see if the problem persists.

To deactivate and reactivate plugins:

  1. Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Go to the “Plugins” menu and click “Deactivate” for all your plugins.
  3. Refresh your website and see if the error is resolved.
  4. If the error is gone, start reactivating your plugins one by one, refreshing your site after each activation, until you identify the problematic plugin.

Step 6: Restore WordPress from a Backup

If none of the above steps work, the last resort is to restore your WordPress site from a backup. This will replace your current WordPress installation with a previous working version, which may resolve the database connection issue.

Make sure you have a recent backup of your WordPress site before proceeding with this step. You can then restore your WordPress site using a backup plugin or by manually uploading the backup files to your server.

By following these steps, you should be able to diagnose and fix the “Error Establishing a Database Connection” in WordPress. If you’re still having trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out to your hosting provider or a WordPress developer for further assistance.


Checking your WordPress database credentials is a crucial first step in troubleshooting the “Error Establishing a Database Connection” issue. By verifying that your database name, username, password, and host are all correct, you can rule out the most common cause of this error.

If your database credentials are not correct, simply update them in your WordPress admin dashboard and the wp-config.php file. This should resolve the database connection problem and allow your WordPress site to function normally again.

Additionally, resaving your WordPress permalinks can sometimes help fix the database connection error, as it ensures your site’s URL structure is properly configured.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to quickly identify and resolve any issues with your WordPress database credentials. Remember, keeping your WordPress site secure and up-to-date is essential for maintaining a smooth and reliable online presence.

If you continue to experience problems after checking your credentials and resaving your permalinks, there may be other factors at play, such as plugin conflicts or hosting issues. In these cases, don’t hesitate to reach out to your hosting provider or the WordPress support community for further assistance.

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