Step by step how to install joomla 2.5

Install Joomla! 2.5

Joomla! 2.5 still have recommend version for standard site. This is step by step that I made for Joomla! beginner about process how to install Joomla! 2.5. As you know, you must to prepare database in your hosting or local PC (using XAMPP) before to start this work. I do not mentioning this task because it’s basic and I think everyone already know it.


Step 1:

Install Joomla! 2.5

This step help you select language for your site. This language will be supported in back-end of your Joomla! site. The default language is English. You should chose English as default language. However, no worries about this, you can add more language for your back-end after you installed.

Step 2:

Install Joomla! 2.5

This step help you pre-check your hosting/server configuration such as PHP version, XML Support, Database Support, etc. Most of param list at there should be valid, but may be except ‘Display Errors’.

Step 3:

Install Joomla! 2.5

This step show GNU General Public License, it’s most important info when you use OpenSource software. You should read this carefully because it effects for your site about copyright in some cases.

Step 4:

Install Joomla! 2.5

This step require you enter the information such as Database Type, Host Name, Username, Database Name, ect. Joomla! recommend you use MySQLi instead for MySQL as version 1.5. The host name should be localhost if you do not defined special IP or domain.

Step 5:

Install Joomla! 2.5

This step help you set up FTP for your site, you can skip this step because we can define it later (or if you install in localhost, it’s not required).

Step 6:

Install Joomla! 2.5

This step allow you set up some required info includes Site Name, Meta Description, Meta Keywords, ect. However, just leave it blank, we can change it later. The required info in this case are email and admistrator account, you must to input it. I recommend you should change default username called ‘admin’ for security issue.

You can install sample data for your website. Joomla! provide three sample data packages includes Blog, Brochuse and Default sample data, you can chose the package you wished.

Step 7:


This is the last step in process install Joomla!. This step require you remove folder ‘installation’. In Joomla! 1.5, we have remove it by manual, however from Joomla! 1.6, Joomla! provided the function to remove it by one click. It’s very useful feature.

After you finish, we will get default site like this

Install Joomla! 2.5

It’s very clear and simple site with sample data from Joomla!.


The process install Joomla! is very simple, and everyone who not programmer can do it. However, in some case you have problem with this process, most of problem related to your hosting configuration. So, if you have problem with install Joomla! (except enter wrong info), you should contact your hosting provider and ask them about this problem.

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