JS Front End Jobs (end)



Generic listing of active jobs with many different cases if it opens and shows jobs according to that particular case. The cases for this page are jobs by categories, jobs by type, jobs by company, jobs by tag, newest jobs, suggested jobs, job search results and viewing a saved job search. This page has auto scroll pagination.


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Bread Crumbs

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Top Menu

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Page heading with page with page title, the possible page titles for this layout are jobs by categories, job by type, job by company, jobs by tag and job search result

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Individual job has job title, company logo, company name, gold tag, featured tag, job type, category, location(s), salary range,and date posted of the job, there are some action buttons on bottom left side, along with button for job information, job short list, tell a friend and apply now. Clicking on job title will take to job information page. You will be taken to company information page if clicking on company name.

<<Visibility of job details and labels of values can be controlled from field ordering.>>

If user click on job information, a popup will be shown on screen with basic details about that particular job and on the bottom. There’re 3 buttons, which are Close – to close the popup, Full Detail – take you to job information page, and Apply now.

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When user click on job short list, a popup shows on screen having text blank, stars and 2 buttons Close – to close the popup, and Save – to short list the job with text written in text blank as comment and stars as rating.

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When user click on Tell a friend, a popup will appear with text area, first text field is for user name, the second one is for user email, third is for job title. 5 fields that are for emails of people users want to send job link in mail  with Close – to close popup and Send to Friend button – send email notification to provide email addresses with the job link.

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Refine search tag. Its position is configuration based.

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User click on refine search tag, this popup will appear on screen with search option that are configurable from field ordering. If it is opened from any specific link such as company job, jobs by categories, jobs by type, jobs by tag or job search result, then that requirements will be filled in the popup form.

Configurations that affect this page are

Show Labels In Jobs Listing.
Search Icon Position.
Show Gold Jobs.
Number Of Featured Jobs.
Show Apply Button.
Apply Now Redirect Link.
Job Short List.
Tell A Friend.


  • Location: Job Seeker Control Panel >> My Applied Jobs


Listing page for job seeker, this page has all the jobs that job seeker has applied for.

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Bread Crumbs

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Top Menu

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Job seeker can sort records by any of these options in ascending or descending order

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Individual job has job title, company logo, company name, gold tag, featured tag, job type, applied date, category, location(s), salary range, job apply status and job apply details. There is button for show hide job apply detail (Resume, Cover letter).

  • Clicking on job title will take to job information page.
  • Clicking on company name will take to company information page.
  • Clicking on resume title from applied info takes to view resume and clicking on cover letter title takes to cover letter title

Configuration that affect this page are

Show Bread Crumbs.
Show Labels In Jobs Listing.
Show Applied Resume status.

Thank you for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving comment below or through Contact Form, we will answer as soon as possible!

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–>  JS Front End Jobs: Search Jobs and Short Listed Jobs

–>  JS Front End Jobs: Jobs by Category and Jobs by Type

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