• Bread Crumbs

mycompanies 1

Bring back to  pages of current page, home icon is linking to control panel. This can be disabled from configuration.

  • Top Menu Employer

topmenu emp

Containing links for things that are supposed to be accessed. This menu can be managed from configuration.

  • Pagination Front End



This is only visible if number of records is greater than pagination size defined in configuration. Using to view next or previous records 

  • Top Menu Job Seeker

topmenu emp 1

Containing links for things that are most likely to be accessed. Managed from configuration.

  • Admin Action Button And Sorting 



There is select all check box and a delete button. Check box is to select all the records on current page. Delete button is to be delete selected record or recordsSorting on right side is to sort records in ascending or descending order by any of the provided criterias.


  • Admin action button delete


There is select all check box and a delete button, Check box is to select all the records on current page. Delete button can be used for delete selected record or records.


  • Pagination Admin Side

paginaitonUsing to view next or previous records. Only visible if number of records is more than pagination size defined in configuration


  • Location: Admin Control Panel >> Translation


Interface for obtaining JS Jobs translations for different languages.

translations 1

Back link to Control Panel, page title and right menu button

translations 21

If admin choose get translations button,it’s will  be replaced by a available languages combo box and a download button. Admin can select the language he wants from the box and the possible scenarios


translations 22

If the selected language does not exist in WordPress languages (not installed in WordPress), and similar language does exist.

translations 23

If the selected language does not exist in WordPress languages (not installed in WordPress).

translations 24

If the selected language exists in WP languages

translations 25

When admin choose download button after selecting a language, that or similar one exists in the system.

translations 3

Contribute in translations button brings to transifex website where admin can help in translating of JS Jobs.

Manual download button brings to joomsky.com where admin can download his required language file.

Thank you for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving comment below or through Contact Form, we will answer as soon as possible!



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