VirtueMart search engine friendly urls use to be a popular topic / request for VirtueMart store administrators. If you’re not running VirtueMart 3, obtaining VirtueMart SEF URLs required the use of third party extensions and VirtueMart plugins. As of VirtueMart 3, search engine friendly URLs is a feature including by default!

In our testing, we have a product category named Women, and a product called Prada PR77NS Sunglasses. When we browse our store and find the product, the URL is:

As you can see, there are no numbers or variables in the URL (such as id=5). Instead, the product category and the product title cleanly show! If you’re looking for SEF in VirtueMart, look no further. VirtueMart 3 now includes search engine friendly URLs out of the box!

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