
Currently, WordPress released the 5.9 version with many new features as well as improvements. The two outstanding points include full-site editing and a new default theme. In order to help you clearly explore WordPress 5.9 What’s new, we would like to bring you the blog today. So, let’s start to see the new features of the latest WordPress version now!

WordPress 5.9 What’s New?

Full-Site Editing

With the WordPress 5.9 version, there will be more features for you to edit your site. Now, you can easily customize your theme to generate a perfect website without any code. However, the full-site editing will be ready for themes supporting the new feature.

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New Site-Wide Blocks

The latest WordPress version comes with 10 new blocks that are located in the Theme section of the Blocks tab. They include Navigation. Template Part, Header, Footer, Post Author, Next Post, Previous Post, Post Comments, Term Description, Archive Title. So, you can use them to customize the full site without any trouble.

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Customize Site-Wide Styles

This WordPress 5.9 version also allows you to generate many new styles for your theme. And of course, it will be applied to the whole site. Thus, you just need to click on the circle icon with half black and half white on the top right corner of the screen. After that, you can easily change the typography, colors, and layout.

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Change the Block Styles

If you want to make changes to the styles of individual blocks, you can do this by clicking on the Style -> Blocks button. There will be a list of blocks for you to select and customize.

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The new WordPress version brings you a new way to edit navigation menus. By using a new Navigation Menu block in the site editor, it’s easy for you to generate navigation menus, modify colors, spacing, alignment, insert new links, and much more.

New Default Theme: Twenty Twenty-Two

Another outstanding point that WordPress 5.9 provides with you is a new default theme that is called Twenty Twenty-Two. This flexible theme is promised to support you to control all aspects of web design.

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The default theme gives you a lot of ready-made patterns. When you write the content, you can use them in the site editor or the block editor.

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Block Editor Enhancements

To give you a better experience in writing content, WordPress developers are always trying to improve the features in the block editor. And in this version, we can clearly see that with the following features:

Move Sections Easily

In order to help you quickly and easily adjust the layout of your content, the List View on the Toolbar feature allows you to move sections up and down with just a few clicks.

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Now, thanks to the Navigation Block in the site editor, you are quickly able to build navigation menus in the articles or landing pages manually. For example, if you want to have a table of contents containing links with the different areas of the blog, you can do that easily.

With the new WordPress version, you can freely style to make all the images in the gallery the same or different. In addition, thanks to the drag-and-drop feature, you can also change the layout flexibly and easily. Several themes have been tested to ensure there are no conflicts between the existing library and the new format library, including Twenty Nineteen, Twenty Twenty, Twenty TwentyOne, Astra, and Arbutus.

Headings Controls

The WordPress 5.9 comes with the headings block, giving you the ability to set the heading level from a vertical dropdown menu. Besides that, you can also select the typography, margin, spacing styles for the headings.

URL Preview in Block Editor

For previous versions of WordPress, whenever you hovered over a link in a post, what you saw was just the URL. However, for this version 5.9, it will show rich URL previews for links.

Select the Language before login

If you installed more than one language on your WordPress site, the user can select the language they want before they log in to the admin dashboard. That is a great improvement for WordPress websites that have not only domestic but also international users.

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Under the Hood Changes

This latest WordPress version also comes with some changes to support the developers to apply to their projects, including:

  • WordPress core PHP Test Suite: Support PHPUnit 8.x via PHPUnit Polyfills library. You can get more information about it here.
  • New function: wp_get_post_revisions_url(). See more detailed information.
  • New template tag: wp_list_user(). See more description here.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, we have already provided with you the fundamental information about WordPress 5.9 What’s New. Therefore, we hope that the two important points that are full-site editing and the new default theme, the latest WordPress version will bring you and other users a more wonderful experience. If you have any questions about the topic today, let’s share them with us by leaving your comment below. Last but not least, don’t forget to visit our site and get more Free WordPress Themes.

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