If you have already moved on to Joomla 4, it’s important and necessary for you to know how to add and remove menu items. A well-designed website with a clear menu will help the site visitors to find the content they need simply and quickly. Besides that, thanks to the well-organized menu, you can effectively edit, replace or remove the content on your site without any trouble. Thus, in the blog today, we would like to bring you the way to add and remove menu items in Joomla 4. What are you waiting for?
Add and Remove Menu Items in Joomla 4
Add Menu Items
In order to add a menu item, you need to go to Menus -> All Menu Items. Then, at the top left corner of the screen, simply click on the + New button.
It’s time for you to customize the new menu item. All the items that contain an asterisk must be filled out, such as Title, Menu Item Type, and Menu. So, first of all, you have to enter the title. Let’s try to make a title as simple and short as possible.
In the next step, you will click on the Select button in the Menu Item Type.
If you prepared the content for the menu item, you simply need to choose it. If not, let’s start a new one by selecting Articles -> Create Article. After selecting the option, just press on Close button.
Now, on the right side of the screen, you need to select the menu in the Menu section. For example, we will choose the Main Menu for this section.
Finally, don’t forget to click Save or Save and Close button to store your setting.
Now, when you open Main Menu, you will see the Blog part here.
Let’s check it out on your site. The Blog part will appear in the Main Menu box, under the Home section.
Explain Tabs In the Menu Item
- Details:
1- Title: It will display in the menu. It is required to enter the information.
2- Alias: It will be created from the title automatically.
3- Menu Item Type*: It is a code menu type and it is offered by installed extensions. It contains articles, configurations, contacts, news feeds, privacy, smart search, system links, tags, users, and wrappers.
4- Link: It is generated by the system for the menu.
5- Target Window: The menu that is selected from the drop-down list will showcase.
6- Template Style: By default, it will be set up with the default template, but you can change it into another template you are owning.
7- Menu*: This will show the place where the menu link will appear.
8- Parent Item: It is a parent menu item where you can specify the place the new item will belong to.
9- Ordering: By default, the new menu item will appear at the bottom of the list. However, you can change the position of it by choosing First, Last, or other menu items in the list.
10- Status: It includes published, unpublished, and trashed.
11- Default Page: You can set the menu item
12- Start Publishing: Time to publish the menu item.
13- Finish Publishing: Time to unpublish the menu item.
14- Access: It will allow you to set up who can see the new menu item.
15- Note: You are able to add your note here so that it will be presented in the Menu Manager.
- Options:
1- Specific Category: You can choose Yes or No. If you choose Yes, you have to select a category or create a new one.
2- Submission/Cancel Redirect: By default, it will be redirected to the home page. However, you can change another page so that the user will be redirected after canceling or submitting an article successfully.
3- Custom Redirect on Cancel: You can see the explanation in the image below.
- Link Type:
1- Link Title Attribute: You can use it for the title attribute of the menu link.
2- Link Class: This is an optional custom style that you can choose to apply to the menu link.
3- Link Image: It is used with the menu link.
4- Image Class: It is an optional class to apply to the image you selected.
5- Display Main Title: If the image is utilized, you can add it as a menu title.
6- Display in Menu: You can use it to display or hide the menu item in the menu.
- Page Display:
1- Browser Page Title: You can add an optional text that will be used for the browser page title.
2- Show Page Heading: You can use it to display or hide the Brower Page title.
3- Page Heading: You are able to add the optional replaced text for the page heading.
4- Page Class: It is an optional CSS class that is utilized for specific CSS styling on the page.
- Metadata:
1- Meta Description: You can add a paragraph so that it becomes the description of the page in the HTML output.
2- Robots: It will guide the search engines based on meta tags from a Robots.txt file.
- Module Assignment:
1- Unassigned Modules: You can select to display or hide the unassigned modules to the menu item.
2- Unpublished Modules: You can select to display or hide the unpublished modules in the menu item.
Delete Menu Items
Actually, you are able to remove or delete a menu item in many ways. However, in the blog, we will introduce to you the simplest method to do that.
First of all, let’s open Menus -> Main Menu that is the menu item belongs to.
Secondly, on the Status column, you just need to click on the green checkmark. So, the menu item will be unpublished or disabled immediately.
Finally, a message will appear to confirm that the menu item is unpublished.
Wrap Up
In conclusion, we have already provided you with the method to add and remove menu items in Joomla 4. Besides that, we also shared with you some vital information related to the topic today. If you have any question, then don’t hesitate to leave your comments below. Moreover, we also wrote a blog to help you create a hidden menu item in Joomla 4, so you can read it if you need it. Last but not least, don’t forget that we are offering many Joomla 4 Templates, let’s check it out!
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