How to Integrate SP Page Builder with J2store?

Many website owners want their site to have a beautiful and stylish look in order to compete with other websites, therefore, they need to use Page Builder, and SP Page Builder is seemed to be one of the most well-known Page Builder in Joomla community. Integrating...

Special Module Position in J2store

Special Module Positions There are many special module positions that J2store has offered us to place custom HTML module or other modules of Joomla in store pages. Step 1: Access Extensions > Modules to create new custom module Step 2: et the title, status to...

How to Display Filters in a Tree Structure?

If you want to show filters in a tree structure or achieve a SEF URL for filters category, please follow the instructions below: Step 1: Create a new menu and set the name filters Step 2: Create menu items with categories’ names Step 3: Add menu items which you...

How to Display Product based on the Tag?

The J2store development team has brought to us a new type of menu item which allows you to create products’ tags. This feature is available from version 3.2.25 of J2Store. Initially, Product list layout has displayed products based on categories in the previous...
Only for Joomla! users Your website lost header area after update to Joomla! V5.2.4, how to solve it? Read more
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