Have you ever met the error Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual when you are using the Disqus tool for your website? If you are looking for solutions to solve this trouble, the blog today is suitable for you!

Why do you get the error Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual?

Disqus is a popular comment system tool allowing website administrators to integrate it into their websites, then create a smart and easy-to-use comment system for your site.

However, some website owners inform that they faced the error Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual when they tried to install Disqus to their website. So, what’s wrong?

The first reason causing the error is that the DNS you are using blocked Disqus. Sometimes, this error appears because there is something wrong related to Disqus services. Don’t worry about that. Let’s move on to the next part to explore the troubleshooting.

How to fix the error Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual

First of all, you can address the error Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual by trying to use OpenDNS to check whether Disqus is blocked or not. If it is blocked, simply unblock Disqus by adding Disqus and Disquscdn to your whitelist. Don’t forget to clear your DNS cache and browser cache afterward.

Besides that, you can also solve the problem with the help of the AdBlock Plus extension. You just need to install it to your Chrome browser and check out the result.

Furthermore, in the worst case, you are able to change your DNS to point to Google. After that, let’s try to load Disqus again. It will work fine.

Finally, if you have tried all the suggested solutions above but the error still happens, don’t hesitate to contact Disqus developers to inform the issue.

Bottom line

All things considered, Disqus comes with many convenient and effective features for you to build a perfect comment system. If you get the error Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual, don’t worry too much. Let’s try the recommendations above and we hope they will be helpful for your trouble. In case you have more solutions for this issue, don’t hesitate to share with us by leaving your comment below.

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LT Digital Team (Content & Marketing)
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