How to move the description below the price section of the product?

If you want to move a description below the price section of the product page, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: go to this path “components/com_j2store/templates/your site’s sub-template/” to copy the file “view_simple.php”

Step 2: Pate that file to “/templates/your site’s template/html/com_j2store/templates/your site’s sub-template/”

Step 3: find the following line of code around the 29th line

 <?php echo $this->loadTemplate('price'); ?>

Step 4: Change the above code to

<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('price'); ?>
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('sdesc'); ?>
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('ldesc'); ?>

If you want to delete the description below the image bottom, please find the code below at line 64:

 <?php if($this->params->get('item_use_tabs', 1)): ?>
		<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('tabs'); ?>
	<?php else: ?>
		<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('notabs'); ?>
	<?php endif; ?>

then change it to

<?php if($this->params->get('item_use_tabs', 1)): ?>
		<?php //echo $this->loadTemplate('tabs'); ?>
	<?php else: ?>
		<?php //echo $this->loadTemplate('notabs'); ?>
	<?php endif; ?>

Following the steps above will show the description (no matter long or short) below the price information, as well as delete the section description below the images

You can do the same work on other product types, it will work with a simple product’s item view page.  “view_downloadable.php”, “view_configurable.php” and  “view_variable.php” are files to override.

How to move the description above the price section of the product?

Just similar to the above process, for a simple product, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to the path “components/com_j2store/templates/your site’s sub-template/”, then copy the file “view_simple.php”

Step 2: Paste the file to “/templates/your site’s template/html/com_j2store/templates/your site’s sub-template/”

Step 3: Find the line of code below at the line 29

 <?php echo $this->loadTemplate('price'); ?>

then change it to

<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('sdesc'); ?>
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('ldesc'); ?>
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('price'); ?>

If you want to remove the description that displays at the image bottom, go to line 64 and find the code:

 <?php if($this->params->get('item_use_tabs', 1)): ?>
		<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('tabs'); ?>
	<?php else: ?>
		<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('notabs'); ?>
	<?php endif; ?>

then change it to

<?php if($this->params->get('item_use_tabs', 1)): ?>
		<?php //echo $this->loadTemplate('tabs'); ?>
	<?php else: ?>
		<?php //echo $this->loadTemplate('notabs'); ?>
	<?php endif; ?>

Both long and short description will display above the price information, as well as delete the section description below the images.

You can also apply those steps for other kinds of product, it will work on the simple product’s item view page. The files “view_downloadable.php”, “view_configurable.php” and “view_variable.php” will be overridden.

That’s it! If you have any other questions or problem, please feel free to let us know by leaving a comment below, we will reply as soon as possible!

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