Should you integrate RSS Feed into Joomla 4?

Nowadays, with the rapid development of the Internet, news and trending topics are updated every day. However, because of the fast update rate, many readers are not able to grasp and follow the information and articles in time. Therefore, if you desire to increase traffic on your Joomla 4 website, you should find a solution to update and showcase the latest news on your website. One of the most popular and effective ways is to integrate RSS Feed into Joomla 4 to attract more readers.

According to Wikipedia, RSS (or RSS Feed) is an acronym for RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication. It is understood as a type of XML file, which helps you to create an information summary channel. Thanks to it, readers or visitors can easily update and search for content and information.

In recent years, with the dramatic development and popularity of social media, the RSS Feed is gradually losing its place when the number of people using this method is gradually decreasing. However, a big drawback of social media is that it can’t offer all the news because of the algorithms that filter the posts depending on the different preferences. Conversely, with Joomla RSS Feed, all kinds of news and information will be displayed. The outstanding advantages of using RSS Feeds include:

  • Readers are easily able to update and reach the latest information on your site since they will receive the notification whenever the feed is renewed.
  • No repetition of contents
  • The amount of organic traffic to the website is increased, helping to improve search rankings on Google

If you hope to know how to integrate RSS Feed into Joomla 4 website, it’s time for you to explore the instruction below.

How to integrate RSS Feed into Joomla 4?

Creating an RSS News Feed

In order to integrate RSS Feed into Joomla 4, you need to generate an RSS News Feed first. Thus, let’s log in to your Joomla 4 admin dashboard. After that, simply go to Components -> New Feeds -> Feeds -> News to generate a new RSS News Feed.

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Now, you need to enter the title. Then, let’s fill out the suitable feed link as well as the description.

Moreover, remember to save & close to ensure the news feed is created.

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You have already generated an RSS feed in the back end of your site. So, the next step you need to do is display the feed on the front end.

Add the RSS Feed to Main Menu

The second step to integrate RSS Feed into Joomla 4 is to add the RSS Feed to the Main Menu.

In our example, we will add a link to the RSS Feed page in the main menu of our site. However, if you wish to insert it on other menu areas of your site, the steps are the same. Read more information about how to add and remove menu items in Joomla 4 here.

Firstly, let’s open Menus -> All Menu Items -> Main Menu Blog -> New to create a new menu item.

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After that, you just need to fill out the title, then click on the Select button in the Menu Item Type section.

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Now, in the Menu Item Type popup, don’t hesitate to select New Feeds -> Singe News Feed. After that, don’t forget to close the popup.

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The Feed field will appear in the second line. So, simply press the Select button. A Select a News Feed box will be showcased for you to choose the new feed you want. Let’s select the news feed you created in the previous step.

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Finally, you just need to save to store all your settings.

Now, the link to the RSS Feed page will appear on the main menu of your Joomla site. Therefore, let’s click on it so that you can see a new page with the RSS Feed you want to display.

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Final thoughts

To sum up, we hope that the blog today will support you to quickly and effectively Integrate RSS Feed into Joomla 4. It’s time for you to showcase the latest news and information on the feed to engage more visitors’ attention. If you believe that the blog is helpful, why don’t you share it with other people? Besides that, in case you want to ask for more information related to the topic, let’s leave your comment below. We promise we will answer you as soon as possible.

Last but not least, whenever you have an intention to renew your Joomla site appearance, let’s have a look at our high-quality and responsive Joomla 4 Templates and get the best one. Thanks for your attention and have a great day. See you in the next post.

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