JS Front End Jobs: Add Job and View Job

JS Front End Jobs ADD JOB FOR EMPLOYER Location: Employer Control Panel >> Add job Employer Control Panel >> My jobs >> Add New Job When user  clicks on Add job, Cost for Add job is defined and user does not have required credit, they will receive a...

How to create K2 Admin Item View?

K2 Admin Item View If you want to create Tags Used Query without modify any core K2 files, then follow this guide, you can easily add this functionality without have to modify any core K2 files, but could also be added as acore fix.   The New Edit Item Layout...

How to manage currencies in HikaShop ?

HikaShop supports all the existing currencies. It has a currency manager so that you can tweak each currency. It also has a currency switcher module if you want to allow your users to change the current currency. And finally, it has a system to automatically update...

How to add products in Joomla’s articles ?

Hikashop product insertion/translation plugins are functionalities which will allow you to display your Hikashop products through your Joomla articles. By this way, you’ll be able to create Joomla articles about your “favorite/most popular/..” products and easily...

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