How to use VirtueMart SEF URLs ?

VirtueMart search engine friendly urls use to be a popular topic / request for VirtueMart store administrators. If you’re not running VirtueMart 3, obtaining VirtueMart SEF URLs required the use of third party extensions and VirtueMart plugins. As of VirtueMart...

How to advanced VirtueMart Search ?

Advanced VirtueMart Search is the idea of giving your customers better search results by allowing them to filter the results by manufacturer, price, and other attributes. Advanced product search improves search results by displaying more desirable products based upon...

How to use VirtueMart Search Plugin ?

When you install the VirtueMart 3 component for Joomla 3.x, a VirtueMart Search Plugin is installed as well. This VirtueMart search plugin is used by the standard Joomla search component to search through your products. This means that the same joomla search module...
Only for Joomla! users Your website lost header area after update to Joomla! V5.2.4, how to solve it? Read more
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