In this post let’s explore something necessary about JS Job SEO configurations and Visitor Settings!



  • Job SEO

Seoconfigurations 1

This configuration decides what will be the standard for job SEO. Options must be supplied with format [title] [company].

  • Company SEO

Seoconfigurations 2

It decides what will be the standard for job SEO. Options must be supplied with format [name] [category][location].

  • Resume SEO

Seoconfigurations 3

It decides what will be the standard for job SEO. Options must be supplied with format [title] [category][location]


  • Show Captcha On Registration Form

To set captcha will be shown or not on front end registration form

  • Default Captcha

JS Jobs has 2 captchas: JS Jobs captcha and Google recaptcha. You can choose which one to use one your site.

  • JS Jobs Captcha Calculation Type

Allow to control calculation of JS Jobs Capcha

Only have influence on JS Jobs Captcha

  • JS Jobs Captcha Answer Always Positive

It has influence only when captcha calculation type is chosen any or subtraction.

Allow captcha to answer positive or not.

  • Number of Operands For JS Jobs Captcha

Only have influence on JS Jobs Captcha.

Allow to control the number of operands in JS Jobs Captcha.

  • Google Recaptcha Private Key

Depending on Google Recaptcha to work

  • Google Recaptcha Public Key

Depending on Google Recaptcha to work

That’s it! Don’t forget to update our JS Jobs Extensions and hesitate to contact us if you have any problem with JS Jobs. Thank you so much for reading!


Have you seen this post?

–> JS Jobs Configurations: Email Settings, Social Apps, Google Maps and Adsense

–> JS Jobs Configurations: List Job and Indeed Jobs

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