n this article, I’ll introduce The Database Tables Exclusion In Akeeba Backup.

Database Tables Exclusion – Browser View

The browser view of this page consists of three discrete areas.

The top area contains the component and page names and two links to switch between the normal and the tabular view modes.

The Database Tables Exclusion In Akeeba Backup

The middle area also contains two quick buttons:

  • Exclude non-core tables. This option automatically filters out the tables whose name doesn’t begin with your site’s prefix.
  • Reset all filters. Clicking this button will delete all database table filters.

Each row of this pane consists of the following elements:

  • Exclusion icon: If enabled, this database entity will not be backed up at all, i.e. it will be missing from the database dump.
  • Data exclusion icon: If enabled, only the structure of a table will be backed up, but not its contents.
  • Entity type icon: Depends on the entity type.
  • Entity name: The name of the entity, as described above.

Database Tables Exclusion – Summary View

The Database Tables Exclusion In Akeeba Backup

When you click on the Summary View link, the page radically changes format. Instead of a database browser pane, you now have a grid.

Above the grid you have the Add new filter buttons:

  • Exclude this: Completely skips backing up the given database entity.
  • Do not backup its contents: Backs up only the structure but not the contents of the given table.

Each line of the grid displays the following information:

  • The filter type: It can be one of:
  1. Exclude this: Completely skips backing up the given database entity.
  2. Do not backup its contents: Backs up only the structure but not the contents of the given table.
  • Trashcan: When you click it, the filter row will be removed.
  • Pencil: When you click it, the row switches to edit mode.
  • The filter item: It is the abstracted database entity name which the filter row applies to.
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