The security of a website plays an important role in developing it. Recently, many websites are attracted by hackers or their malware. Because of this issue, the data and information on your site may be stolen. If you are looking for a useful solution to protect your WordPress site, why don’t you try to use a WordPress Scanner Plugin? The blog today will show you the list of many WordPress Scanner Plugins to help you keep your site safer.

What are the benefits of using the WordPress Scanner Plugin?

Firstly, this useful tool makes your WordPress site harder to hack and it’s easy to use and set up without coding knowledge. In addition, if you are running a business website, all information should be stored privacy. In this case, the WordPress Scanner plugin will help you scan all files and folders, protects your site at the endpoint, checks your content safety by scanning file contents, posts.

Another good point is that the plugin has the ability to prevent your website from brute force attacks by limiting login attempts. And there are still other significant features that will bring your website security absolutely. In today’s article, we will recommend the top best WordPress Scanner Plugin. Let’s consider and choose the best one for yourself.

Top Powerful WordPress Scanner Plugin

Wordfence Security

Wordfence Security - WordPress Scanner Plugin

The first powerful WordPress Scanner Plugin that we would like to mention is Wordfence. This is considered a powerful and efficient way to manage the security of multiple sites in one place. Thanks to the newest firewall rules, malware signatures, and malicious IP addresses, this plugin will keep your website safe. It has the ability to track and alert on important security events including administrator logins, breached password usage, and surges in attack activity. In addition, it is able to check your site for known security vulnerabilities and alerts you to any issues. Moreover, this plugin also alerts you to potential security issues when a plugin has been closed or abandoned.


  • Protects your site at the endpoint, enabling deep integration with WordPress
  • Integrated malware scanner blocks request that include malicious code or content
  • Protection from brute force attacks by limiting login attempts
  • Checks your content safety by scanning file contents, posts,…
  • Checks core files, themes, and plugins for malware, bad URLs, backdoors,…
  • And much more


  • Effective tool
  • Many powerful features
  • Safe security

Defender Security

Defender Security

The second WordPress Scanner Plugin that you shouldn’t ignore is Defender Security. This plugin only takes you a few minutes to add the best WordPress security plugin to your website. By using this perfect plugin, you can stop brute force attacks, SQL injections, cross-site scripting XSS, and much more. Especially, you no longer have to via hideously complex settings and get a virtual Ph.D. in security. This tool helps you check all sites, folders, files for suspicious code and malware. In addition, it also allows you to restore the original file with a click.


  • Manually block specific IPs, import a list of banned IPs, and set automated timed and permanent lockouts
  • Limit login attempts to stop users trying to guess passwords
  • Permanently ban IPs or trigger a timed lockout after a set number of failed login attempts
  • Easy to move your login screen to a custom URL
  • Login screen masking improve security and allow you to white-label your login user experience
  • And much more


  • Easy to use
  • Safe
  • Professional plugin

Shield Security

Shield Security

This WordPress Scanner Plugin is a useful solution that assists you to become free from repetitive and complicated security work. It comes with a lot of powerful features, so it has the ability to block malicious bots before they can do damage your website. Moreover, Shield Security will detect these malicious visitors, then block access to your site when they have bad activities on your website.


  • Offers full and accurate detection of file modifications for plugins and themes
  • Compare the file contents of every plugin & theme
  • Protect premium plugins/themes too, including Yoast SEO and Advanced Custom Fields Pro
  • Making intelligent security decisions without noisy email notifications
  • Add Security To Important Forms To Block Bots
  • Advanced User Sessions Control


  • Powerful plugin
  • Full support
  • Work effectively

WP Cerber

WP Cerber

WP Cerber is regarded as a successful plugin that prevents your website from hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and malware. In addition, this WordPress Scanner Plugin will limit the number of login attempts through the login form, XML-RPC / REST API requests or using auth cookies against brute-force attacks. Moreover, this plugin allows you to stop spammers by using a specialized anti-spam engine or Google reCAPTCHA to protect registration, contact, and comments forms. Another good feature is that you scan every folder and inspect every file on a website for traces of malware, trojans, backdoors, changed, and new files.


  • Limit login attempts when logging in by IP address or entire subnet
  • Monitors logins made by login forms, XML-RPC requests, or auth cookies
  • Permit or restrict access byĀ IP Access Lists with a single IP, IP range, or subnet
  • Create a Custom login URL
  • Cerber anti-spam engine for protecting contact and registration forms
  • Automatically detects and moves spam comments to trash or denies them completely
  • Logs users, bots, hackers,s and other suspicious activities.
  • Security scanner verifies the integrity of WordPress files, plugins, and themes.
  • Monitors file changes and new files with email notifications and reports
  • And much more


  • A sophisticated tool
  • Translation ready

Sucuri Security

Sucuri Security

Sucuri Inc. is recognized as one of the most powerful WordPress Scanner plugins that prevents your website from hackers, malware. This plugin provides its users a set of security features for your website, each plugin is designed to have a positive effect on your security posture. Especially, it is free for download and easy to use without coding knowledge.


  • Security Activity Auditing
  • File Integrity Monitoring
  • Remote Malware Scanning
  • Blocklist Monitoring
  • Effective Security Hardening
  • Post-Hack Security Actions
  • Security Notifications
  • Website Firewall


  • Attractive plugin
  • Well performance
  • Free for download



NinjaScanner is designed with a simple and lightweight interface.Ā  However, it also comes with a lot of powerful features that assist you to scan your blog for malware and virus. In addition, you have the ability to scan your blog for potential malware and virus using the built-in signatures. This WordPress Scanner Plugin has strictly no impact on your database. It saves the scan data, report, logs, etc on disk only, makes use of caching to save bandwidth and server resources.


  • Ignored files list.
  • Googleā€™s Safe Browsing Lookup API.
  • Background scans.
  • Scheduled scans (Premium).
  • WP-CLI integration (Premium).
  • Debugging log.
  • Email report.


  • Multiple support
  • Contextual help
  • A fast and lightweight scanner



The WPScan is famous for its significant features. You can use it to scan for known WordPress vulnerabilities, plugin vulnerabilities, and theme vulnerabilities. In addition, there are many options that help you to schedule automated daily scans and to send email notifications.


  • Scans for known WordPress vulnerabilities, plugin vulnerabilities, and theme vulnerabilities;
  • Does additional security checks;
  • Shows an icon on the Admin Toolbar with the total number of security vulnerabilities found;
  • Notifies you by mail when new security vulnerabilities are found


  • Easy to use
  • User and friendly interface
  • Work perfectly

Quttera Web Malware Scanner

Quttera Web Malware Scanner

If you want to scan your website for malware, trojans, backdoors, worms, viruses, shells, spyware, and other threats, this WordPress Scanner Plugin is a perfect solution for you. This plugin helps you check your website with one click whether your website is blacklisted by Google and other blacklisting authorities. Thanks to that, your website will be protected safely.


  • Unknown Malware Detection
  • External Links Detection
  • Blacklist Status
  • No Signatures or Patterns Updates
  • Artificial Intelligence Scan Engine
  • Cloud Technology
  • Detailed Investigation Report
  • Investigation of WordPress files
  • Detection of files infected by PHP malware
  • Detection of injected PHP shells


  • Many powerful features:
  • Safe and fast tool

malCure WP Malware Scanner & Firewall

malCure WP Malware Scanner & Firewall

With more than thousands of installs by many users across the world. This WordPress Scanner Plugin is the best tool to clean up hacked websites. You are able to scan your WordPress files and database for malware, infections, security threats, viruses, trojans, backdoors, malicious redirects, and other security threats & vulnerabilities. Especially, it is extremely simple and easy to use.


  • Ultra-high-precision results
  • Auto-sync with WordPress Checksum API
  • Verifies WordPress files integrity using checksums from WordPress Checksum API
  • Links to external tools for additional site diagnostics
  • Checks for viruses and infections using malware definitions
  • Latest and regularly updated WordPress malware signatures
  • Connects to definition update server to fetch latest definitions


  • Extremely easy to use
  • Powerful but lightweight


We have just listed all the best WordPress Scanner plugins. We hope that this article will give some great solutions to protect your website from malware, infections, security threats, viruses, trojans. In addition, you are concerned about themes, you can visit our free WordPress Themes to update more modern designs for your website. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.

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