How To Emergency Restoration In Akeeba Backup?

We have 6 steps to emergency restoration in Akeeba Backup:

  • Step 1: Making sure it won’t get worse.
  1. Make a backup of the only thing separating you from complete disaster: the backup file.
  2. Burn it on a CD. Write it on your USB key.
  3. Put it on a couple of locations on your file server. Just make sure you’ll have an extra copy in case you screw up.
  • Step 2: Extracting the archive.
  1. We have to extract the archive somewhere on your local hard drive.
  • Step 3: Editing your database backup.
  • Step 4: Restoring the database.
  • Step 5: Upload your site’s files.
  1. First of all, delete the installation subdirectory from the directory you extracted the backup archive to.
  2. Then, using FTP – or any method you please – upload all of the files to the target server.
  • Step 6: Edit configuration.php, if necessary.
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