Where do I find the Quickstart package?
* With PRO versions, you can download the Quickstart package which you just need to install and make your site look exactly like our demo site, as well as access all template features. Therefore, just replace the demo content with yours, and enjoy your time!
After buying the PRO version, you can log in to Customer Area and you will see four packages including:
- Theme Install package
- Dummy package (data like demo)
- Documentation
- Import Dummy package Guide
You just need to click on the Dummy package (data like demo) in order to download the installed file with .wpress.
System Requirement
- PHP version 7.3 or greater.
- MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.1 or greater.
- PHP scripts are set to 300 seconds
By default, the maximum execution time for PHP scripts is set to 30 seconds. If a script runs for longer than 30 seconds, PHP stops the script and reports an error. You can control the amount of time PHP allows scripts to run by changing the max_execution_time directive in your php.ini file.
To change the maximum execution time, use a text editor to modify the max_execution_time directive in your php.ini file. The
configuration file contains the default settings for your PHP installation. You can increase the max execution time by updating the
directive in this file.
- Locate the
file on your server. - Open the file and search for the
directive. - Change its value to the desired number of seconds (e.g., 300 seconds for 5 minutes): max_execution_time = 300
- Save the file and restart your web server for the changes to take effect.
In order to install this dummy content package, you must install WordPress first. If you’re not installed WordPress yet, just download it and install it on your hosting.
In short with steps
- Install WordPress core, download at WordPress.org
- Download & Install the All-in-One WP Migration plugin
- Go to WordPress Admin panel > All-in-One WP Migration > Import, pick the “.wpress” (dummy package) file, and wait for the import process. This process will take 1-5 minutes, and up to 15 minutes, depend on your server/hosting.
- Success and login with new user and password
So, with short steps, if you have any issues, just read the details steps below.
Step by step how to install dummy package
Step 1: Download “All-in-One WP Migration” Plugins at Here
Step 2: Upload Plugin
You go to Plugins on Dashboard, click the button “Add New” & Upload File
Step 3: Active “All-in-One WP Migration” Plugin
Step 4: Import Quickstart File
Then go to “All-in-One WP Migration Plugins” > “Import”
Step 5: Select the right Quickstart file
Select Import from “FILE”. And choose ‘demo5.ltheme.com-wordpress-[theme-name]-[xxxxxxx]-[xxxxxx]-[xxx].wpress‘
Step 6: Finish Quickstart Installation & New Login
After finishing, process button “Close”, and go to the link “Dashboard” on WordPress panel, you will back to the Login Panel, please enter
For LTheme (LT) products:
- User: admin
- password: Customer@happyworks-2022
- or password: Customer@happyworks-123
For Wooskins (WS) products:
- user: Wooskins_demo_admin
- password: Customer@happyworks-2022
- or password: Customer@happyworks-123
For Takewp (TPG) products:
- user: takewp_demo
- password: Customer@happyworks-2022
- or password: Customer@happyworks-123
For Galussothemes (GT) products:
- User: admin
- password: Customer@happyworks-2022
- or password: Customer@happyworks-123
Note: All photos used on our template demo site come from free image resources such as unsplash.com and freepik.com, so you can re-use them for your website without issue.
Troubleshoots and some general issues
*** The restore process will take longer than normally
=> Yes, this process depends on your hosting speed, some hosting will take from 5′ to 30′ to complete the quickstart package.
*** Can’t complete restore process (example: go to 70% and stop)
=> Yes, it’s an issue with hosting space, it means your hosting space does not have enough space for this quickstart package. Recommend you update your Hosting package, and increase space with 1GB for a minimum or more. Otherwise, you can reset your WordPress to reduce space for your current website, steps as below
- Step 1: Install plugin wp reset. https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-reset/
- Step 2: Reset the site’s database to the default installation values without modifying any files.
- Step 3: Go to Plugins > remove all plugins which have been deactivated
- Step 4: Then, start your installation normally.
*** Can’t complete restore process (example: go to 1000% and stop)
=> Yes, it’s an issue with the PHP timeout problem. By default, the maximum execution time for PHP scripts is set to 30 seconds. If a script runs for longer than 30 seconds, PHP stops the script and reports an error. You can control the amount of time PHP allows scripts to run by changing the max_execution_time directive in your php.ini file.
To change the maximum execution time, use a text editor to modify the max_execution_time directive in your php.ini file. The
configuration file contains the default settings for your PHP installation. You can increase the max execution time by updating the
directive in this file.
- Locate the
file on your server. - Open the file and search for the
directive. - Change its value to the desired number of seconds (e.g., 300 seconds for 5 minutes): max_execution_time = 300
- Save the file and restart your web server for the changes to take effect.
*** After installed, I have many comments on the website
=> On our demo site, we open Comments for everyone, so sometimes you will get Spam with comments after installing the quickstart package. In this case, just install and use this plugin to clear all Comments with 1-click https://wordpress.org/plugins/delete-all-comments-of-website/
After clearing it, please register the Akismet Anti-Spam API key and sign up with your website. This plugin (default WordPress plugin) will block all spam comments. So, you won’t get this issue again in the future.
Video with details guides
This video will walk you through Quickstart package installation step-by-step with detailed instructions:
Have questions and need help?
During installation, if you have any questions or problems that we’ve not mentioned in this guide yet, feel free to leave us Comments, or contact us directly via our Contact Page, submit Ticket Support to get a dedicated and fast response from us.
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Itsn´t work
Could you please let me know about problem during install?
With Version 1.1.26 of Duplicator I can’t find “run deploy” or deployement option.
Have you an actualized tutorial please?
We tested with latest version and it still fines with current install screen in our tutorial. Can you send me screenshot about your problem via email “[email protected]”, so I can help.
Ok thank you
You’re welcome!
Any questions next time, just contact us direct via contact form or dedicated support system.
Thank you!
I followed these steps and everything during the process ran fine but now I cannot login into wordpress wp-admin. As these steps sets up the database as well, I assume it contains the user “admin” and YOUR password that you defined for it. But the instruction doesn’t tell anything about the password – how can I login to this wordpress package now?
After installed, please try to login with
user: admin
pass: abc123
If you still have problem, please submit ticket support, so our staff can help.
Okay, that worked.
Thanks a lot!
Hola compre una plantilla pro y me encuentro con este problema al instalar
Requisitos: Fail –
Nombre del archivo: No se encontró ningún archivo del
paquete Notas del paquete: No hay notas proporcionadas para este pakcage.
REQUISITOS haga clic en los enlaces para obtener más detalles
Directorio raízFallar
Camino: / home / wwwastra / public_html / transportedecarga
[Pass] Se puede escribir en PHP
[Fail] Contiene solo un archivo zip
Resultado = No se ha encontrado ningún archivo de paquete
Nota: La extracción manual requiere el archivo archive.zip
Soporte de MySQLiPasar
Modo seguro desactivadoPasar
Versión de PHP Pasar
Servidor Web: Apache Bueno
Open Base Dir: Apagado Bueno
PHP SAPI: litespeed
PHP Archivo ZIP: Está instalado
CDN Accesible: Sí ¿
Necesita un aprobado Duplicador proveedor de alojamiento?
Did you submit ticket support to get help from our staffs?
installer.php is not in my zip file .please help me how to import sample data of lat food court template in wordpress
Did you purchase PRO version? Please notice that only PRO version support Quickstart package.
If you’re using PRO version, just unzip download package, you will see quickstart package, unzip quickstart package, you will see file ‘installer.php’ and .zip (source code) file.
i don’t know what hapenned but after some time i try to access some pages but i got the error message, with php error : some thing like fopen desabled
Can you send me screenshot about your error?
Is it acceptable if I upload the files using cPanel File Manager and then directly go the website to edit the example data? So that I do not have use the FTP software or Filezilla to upload the files and Duplicator
Sure, you can upload files via cPanel File Manager, it’s good way.
Appreciate your help. How to upload upload and run the quickstart files?
How to export all the pictures of the entire theme?
You just install it like WordPress install, just unzip Quickstart files, you will see two files called ‘installer.php’ and .ZIP file, upload it to your website folder (like you upload WordPress source code), then run install via your domain (like WordPress install) but you must access ‘installer.php’ file via [yourdomain]/installer.php
I did that but there’s an error in the Duplicator.
Achieve: Fail.
The archive file size is currently 0B and its estimated file size should be around 127.05MB. The archive file may not have been fully downloaded to the server. If so please wait for the file to completely download and then refresh this page.
This warning is only shown when the file has more than a 10% size ratio difference from when it was originally built. Please review the file sizes to make sure the archive was downloaded to this server correctly if the download is complete.
Name: 20180302_ltbabyshopwordpresstheme_07f720f1c05959ed7193180302075841_archive.zip
Path: /home/vol13_76/hosting.com/b7_22703777/mydomain.com/htdocs
Archive File Not Found!
The archive file name below must be the exact name of the archive file placed in the deployment path (character for character). If the file does not have the same name then rename it to the name above.
When downloading the package files make sure both files are from the same package line in the packages view. The archive file also must be completely downloaded to the server before starting the install. The following zip files were found at the deployment path:
– No zip files found –
Format: Unable to validate format
Hi. I did all steps and when i try to customize template is OK you watch demo page but when I go to my website i can not watch demo page. Help me please
Thank you for your info. Could you please submit ticket support, so our staff can help.
http://www.negsoft.com YOU CAN CHECK. THANKS
I did the quickstart install on a fresh new wordpress following instructions to load the all in one and then upload the quickstart file then did the steps and activated. The theme did load but, non of the images or text that match the demo page for the pro one that I purchased? Is there something to install in order to get my version to match the demo exactly? neenasmakeup.com is my site
Thank you for your info.
Please try to reinstall it via and recheck.
I bought a version of a template, I’m using localhost. WordPress 5.2.2, and the All-On-One Migration 7.3 plug-in. I can’t install the quickstart version because I always get this message
Unable to open file for reading.
Thank you for your info. Make sure that you’re using XAMLL on latest version and recheck.
XAMPP or XAMLL. I’m using XAMPP last vertion
Thank you for your info. Please submit ticket support with your site URL, admin login, so our staff can help.
I have done all the installation and import the files but could not login again the user admin and password given in your explanation is not working. Please what can I do
Did you try to login with this info?
user: admin
pass: abc123
Hello Team,
I cannot able to place my company logo in this properly, it as big as half of the home page, can you please help me out
Issued solved, and we got your reply via email, issue with image size.
hi, i followed the installation process, but after i load in the demo content, the 2 passwords you provided in your documentation file are not working.
Please follow this guide to reset WordPress password https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-reset-a-wordpress-password-from-phpmyadmin/
Hello..I am trying to install the LTDentist one page template (PRO version) but process is stopped on 69.74%. I follow all the steps described on the documentation but with no result. I also installed wp-reset and reset my site and delete the useless plugins. Always the process is stopped on 69.74%. Please noted that my storage on hosting server is more than 1GB. Please advice.
Please submit ticket with your site URL, admin login and FTP account, so we can help.
My quick install stops at 99.73% and it doesn’t advance more
Please submit ticket with your site URL, admin login and FTP account, so we can help.
what is the procedure to upload demo files via FTP, ALl in one migration method now working always stops during import process.
Please submit ticket with your site URL, admin login and FTP account, so I can help.
Hello, I am using LT universiy wp, I install everything fine, but no page works, I get this error
Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.
Error with URLs some from issue with your hosting, make sure that your hosting support mod_rewrite. Otherwise please go to Admin > Settings > Permalink and set link as “Blank”.
Hi. Can you tell me the difference between admin and Wooskins_demo_admin in dentist wp template please
It is stuck on import 100% everything is updated and large amount of space is there.
We sent support email for you, please check and follow up it.
i have installed LT DIGIX correctly but when I open the website i have in the header this message :
Use of undefined constant CHILD_THEME_VERSION – assumed ‘CHILD_THEME_VERSION’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /htdocs/wp-content/themes/lt-digix/functions.php on line 368
do you have an issue ? or I must reset the wordpress installation and try again ?
thank you very much
Try to reinstall it, if you still have issue, please submit ticket with your site and admin login, so I can help.
Hi, just purchased Pro and it’s not working.
Please submit ticket support and follow up it, we will help you check it shortly.
Please submit ticket support with your website URL, admin login and FTP account, so we can help you asap.
I did that with this email [email protected] but they are not replying and I need help as soon as possible
Sure, we replied you, just follow it.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_magic_quotes_gpc() in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\easy-google-fonts\includes\class-egf-font-utilities.php:497 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\easy-google-fonts\includes\class-egf-font-utilities.php(254): EGF_Font_Utilities::json_decode(‘{\n “error”: {\n…’, true) #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\easy-google-fonts\includes\class-egf-font-utilities.php(335): EGF_Font_Utilities::get_google_fonts() #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\easy-google-fonts\includes\customizer\class-egf-customize-manager.php(178): EGF_Font_Utilities::get_all_fonts() #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\easy-google-fonts\includes\customizer\class-egf-customize-manager.php(229): EGF_Customize_Manager->customize_load_all_fonts() #4 C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(292): EGF_Customize_Manager->customize_controls_enqueue_scripts(”) #5 C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(316): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #6 C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\plugin.php(484): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #7 C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-admin\customize.php(123): do_action(‘customize_contr…’) #8 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\easy-google-fonts\includes\class-egf-font-utilities.php on line 497
Ha habido un error crítico en esta web. Por favor, consulta tu bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico de administrador del sitio para obtener instrucciones.
I did exactly what it says..and it is not possible..I did it step by step .I bought the sketched package to have it ready .and not to arrive alone I am a beginner.
Please submit ticket support with your site URL, admin login and FTP account, so we can help.
If you’re looking for hosting provider, you can take a look for hostgator.com
my uploads always get sucked at 100% and its getting frustrating while uploading the LT Bank theme
Make sure that you do not install anything before import dummy package.
If you still need help, please submit ticket support and give us your site URL, admin login, so we can help.
My import stops at 100%
In this case, please use this plugin and reset your WP system back to default https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-reset/
then re-import dummy package.
Hi, I’m importing the quick start but the loading screen got stuck at
“Checking extensions compatibility…”
“Please do not close this browser window or your import will fail”
Please submit ticket support, so our team can help.
Unable to import
Unable to open file for reading. File: /home4/nixovnlw/bs-store-formulation.com/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/storage/n950fwq2924v/live-demo.wooskins.com-themes-ws-foam-20201116-013123-ogurrp.wpress
Please submit ticket support, so our team can help.
Are the login credentials still accurate? I recently installed the quickstart for WS Cake and when trying to login it states that the Wooskins_demo_admin account exists but neither password works
You can reset the password via phpMyAdmin, follow this guide https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/reset-your-password/
How long should it take to do checking extensions compatibility as mine is there ages
Just a sec, if you have long time for this task, please submit ticket so we can help.