In case you have problems while using Elementor Page Builder, let follow these steps to tackle it:

Step 1: Read the documentation and test the FAQ. Ensure that your server’s PHP version is newer than 5.4

Step 2: Ensure that you are currently using the latest version of Elementor Page Builder, your WordPress theme.

Step 3: Turn off all plugins as well as Elementor (and Elementor pro). In case it is able to tackle the issue, turn on your plugin individually till you find out the plugin having problems.

Step 4: In case you have a caching plugin, ensure that you turn it off or purify the cache.

Step 5: Alter the WordPress theme to WordPress TwentySixteen or other default WordPress theme

Step 6: Edit the wp-config.phpI and then set the value of WP-DEBUG to true on your WordPress root folder.

Step 7: Contact other members of the Elementor Facebook group or forum.

Step 8: Switch on Elementor > click on Settings and then  Advanced switch editor loader method on

Step 9: In case it is impossible to load Elementor, let take a look at the guide in the official Elementor page.

In case you tried all the steps above but it is not available to tackle the problems, let contact the support of Elementor by following these steps:

Step 1: Report the problems and the reason for this problem in an accurate and detail way.

Step 2: In case you have a suspicion that the problem deters from the plugins or themes that you are currently using, let attach the name and URL of the plugins or themes.

Step 3: Send with your system info which you can find under System info of Elementor. You should use Pastebin in order to paste and send it.

Step 4: Pree F12 and choose the console tab in Elementor page as well as paste the message in Pastebin.

In conclusion.

If you have any questions about this, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. we will reply as soon as possible. Besides, you can also take a look at our Free Elementor Templates here to get a wonderful theme for yourself.

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