How to change the size of thumbnails ?

To change the size of thumbnails: Step 1: Log into your Joomla Dashboard Step 2: In the top menu, hover over Components and click HikaShop to access the HikaShop Dashboard. Step 3: On the HikaShop menu System, click Configuration and click on the tab Main Step 4: In...

How can I change the color of the item box ?

The background color can be configured in the HikaShop options of your menu/module. If you don’t see any changes, it’s because you’re not editing the correct menu/module. If however you want to use CSS for that, you need to do like that:...

Where can I edit the CSS ?

To edit the CSS: Step 1: Log into your Joomla Dashboard Step 2: In the top menu, hover over Components and click HikaShop to access the HikaShop Dashboard. Step 3: On the HikaShop menu System, click Configuration and click on the tab Display Step 4: In the CSS part,...

How to fix (for update issues)?

You should open the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/install.hikashop.php and search for that column name. You should see something like that: $this->db->setQuery(“ALTER TABLE `#__hikashop_YYYY` ADD `XXXXXXXX`...

Why have problems after updating HikaShop ?

After updating HikaShop, or when creating custom fields, it’s possible that you have things not functioning properly (eg. products not saving, not adding to the cart, order not creating, etc). It always comes from the fact that the process could not update the...

How to modify translations for my precise case ?

You will probably want to change a translation so that it fits your case. For example, we use the word VAT in our english translation file but you might prefer “Sales tax” instead. You could edit directly the translation file like explained above but when...

How to translate HikaShop ?

If HikaShop is not translated in your own language, you can easily add a language file in HikaShop. Step 1: Log into your Joomla Dashboard Step 2: In the top menu, hover over Components, click HikaShop Step 3: On the HikaShop menu System, click on the tab Languages If...

How to change your Hikashop language ?

HikaShop is actually fully translated in 30 languages and partially in 11 languages. By default, only the english language is on the installation package in order to reduce its size. If you use other languages that weren’t installed during the wizard setup phase...
Only for Joomla! users Your website lost header area after update to Joomla! V5.2.4, how to solve it? Read more
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