JS Jobs Front End Resumes (end)


  • Location: Employer Control Panel >> Resumes by Categories


LIst of all the categories which are in the system and show a count of resumes next to the category name.

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Bread Crumbs

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Top Menu

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Page heading with title

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Individual category with category name, number of resumes of that particular category.

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When cursor hovers over this portion, if this category has any subcategories, which will be shown under category and a show more button will be shown in case of number of subcategories in greater that subcategory limit configuration.

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If user click Show more, all the subcategories will be shown in a popup. Each category on the popup will behave same as a main category (subcategories of individual subcategory on hover and all the subcategories of that category will be shown)

If user click on any category or subcategory, he will be taken to resumes listing, where only active resumes of that particular category (subcategory) will be shown.

Configurations that affect this page are

Categories Per Row.
Sub Categories Limit.
Show Count In resumes By Categories Page.



  • Location: Job Seeker Control Panel >> Search Resume


Providing search options for resume so that users can search Resume according to their interest through defining a search criteria. Resumes that meet specified criteria will be shown in resumes listing.



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Bread Crumbs

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Top Menu

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Page heading with title

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Including available search options. The available options are: application title, first name, middle name, last name, nationality, gender, category, job type, highest education, total experience, salary, keywords, tags and zip code. All of above options are manageable from field ordering.

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Search resume button. Users fill criteria to search and click it.

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Users will be taken to resumes listing where active resumes that fulfill their specified criteria are listed. There is a save resume search form that allows to save any resume search criteria so that it can be viewed later. The save search form visibility will be managed from configuration.

Configuration that affect this page are

Allow Save Search.




Generic listing  of avtive resume. There’re many different cases when this page opens and shows resume according to that particular case. The cases for this page are resume by categories, resume by tag, newest resume, resume search results and viewing a saved resume search.


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Bread Crumbs

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Top menu

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Page heading with page title, possible page titles for this layouts are resumes, resume by categories, resume by tag and resume search result.

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Including sorting options that are available. The options supported are title job type, salary range, posted, job seeker can sort records by any of above options in ascending

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Individual resume with resume photo, name, resume title, job type, email, category, salary, total experience and view resume button. Click resume title or resume photo/ view resume to view resume information page.

Visibility of resume details (attributes) and labels of values can be managed from field ordering.

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Thank you for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving comment below or through Contact Form, we will answer as soon as possible!


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