How To Backing Up Your Site To A Cloud Storage Service In Akeeba?
Basic configuration Step 1: You click on the Components, Akeeba Backup menu item. Step 2: In the Control Panel page which loads, click on the Configuration button. Step 3: Locate the Archiver Engine setting in the pane titled Advanced Configuration. Step 4: Click the...
How To Emergency Restoration In Akeeba Backup?
How To Emergency Restoration In Akeeba Backup? We have 6 steps to emergency restoration in Akeeba Backup: Step 1: Making sure it won’t get worse. Make a backup of the only thing separating you from complete disaster: the backup file. Burn it on a CD. Write it on...
The CLI Update Notification And Automatic Update Script In Akeeba
The CLI update notification and automatic update script Note: This feature is only available in the Professional release. Configuring the update script Step 1: You go to the component’s main (control panel) page and click on the Options button. Step 2: On the...
How To Checking For Failed Backups Automatically In Akeeba?
Note: This option is only available in the Akeeba Backup Professional releases. Front-end backup failure check, for use with CRON Step 1: You go to Akeeba Backup’s main page and click on the Options button in the toolbar. Step 2: Find the option titled Enable...
How To Automating Your Backup In Akeeba?
Taking backups automatically Click on the Backup Now button and wait for the backup to finish. Front-end backup, for use with CRON The front-end backup feature is intended to provide the capability to perform an unattended, scheduled backup of your site. Step 1:First,...
The RegEx Database Tables Exclusion In Akeeba Backup
In this article, I’ll introduce summary The RegEx Database Tables Exclusion In Akeeba Backup. Note: This feature is available only in Akeeba Backup Professional, the paid version of our component. RegEx Database Tables Exclusion This page primarily consists of a...
The RegEx Files and Directories Exclusion In Akeeba Backup
In this article, I’ll introduce summary The RegEx Files and Directories Exclusion In Akeeba Backup. Note: This feature is available only in Akeeba Backup Professional, the paid version of our component. RegEx Files and Directories Exclusion This page primarily...
The Database Tables Exclusion In Akeeba Backup
n this article, I’ll introduce The Database Tables Exclusion In Akeeba Backup. Database Tables Exclusion – Browser View The browser view of this page consists of three discrete areas. The top area contains the component and page names and two links to...
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