
As you know, for a website that provides information in the form of blogs or articles, displaying the author’s profile is extremely necessary. It helps to increase the accuracy of the information given in the article as well as promote the works of the author. Each basic profile will include the author’s name, bio info, contact info, and profile picture.

If you own a WordPress website, it’s easy for you to add the author’s gravatar image to their profile. However, if you want to use the actual author’s photo instead of using gravatar, the blog today is for you. Let’s explore the way how to add profile picture of author in WordPress now.

The method to add profile picture of author in WordPress

Actually, you can add a profile photo of the author by using WordPress Avatar Plugins, and in the blog, we will instruct you with ProfilePress (Formerly WP User Avatar) plugin.

First of all, you need to install and activate the ProfilePress (Formerly WP User Avatar) plugin. Let’s go to Plugin -> Add New, then type ‘ProfilePress’ on the search bar. The first plugin is ready for you to ‘Install Now‘ and ‘Activate‘.

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On the dashboard admin, there will be a ProfilePress label. Let’s choose it and go to Settings.Ā In the next step, you need to click the ‘Profile & Cover Photo‘ and change all your settings about the profile picture.

You can enable or disable Gravatar with a click in the box. Besides that, you can set the profile picture of authors or other users in case they don’t use their photo with the default profile picture option.

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Now, let’s click Users -> Profile and then, scroll down to the ‘About Yourself‘ session. In the profile picture part, you can easily choose images for both original size and thumbnail. Don’t forget to press ‘update profile‘ button after posting the avatars.

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If the authors or users with other roles want to edit or add their profile pictures without logging in admin dashboard, let’s go to ProfilePress -> Forms & Profiles -> Add New.

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Then, you can choose drag & drop builder to build an edit profile form if you don’t have much knowledge about shortcode.

After that, you have to fill out a name for a new form, such as Edit Profile Page, Custom Edit Profile, and so on. Don’t forget to select the form type after typing a form name. In this case, we will choose ‘Edit Profile‘.

There will be 3 template options for you to select. If you want to create a form in your own way, don’t hesitate to press the ‘Build Now’ button in the first box. If you don’t need to generate a form by yourself, you can use available templates. So, let’s choose the Tulip template if your plugin isn’t upgraded. Conversely, if you want to utilize the premium version, you need to upgrade your plugin.

In this case, we will select the Tulip template in the second box.

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A new form is ready for you to customize. In the Standard Fields session, let’s click ‘Upload Profile Picture‘ so that your form will contain this field.

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Moreover, when you scroll down, you can change the form settings with many options. Don’t forget to ‘Save Changes‘ when you finish all your settings. Now, everything is done. So, the authors as well as other users can change their avatar or profile picture without any trouble.


In a nutshell, we have already shown you the way to add the avatar of authors and other users effectively. With the assistance of the ProfilePress plugin, you can do it without any trouble. Thus, we hope that you will feel satisfied after following the guide. If you have any inquiries, don’t forget to leave your comment below. Moreover, if you are looking for some useful Worpdress Author Box Plugins, let’s take a look.

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