How to install Hikashop via FTP ?

If you have difficulties to install HikaShop, you may want to try to install it via FTP. This way, Joomla won’t have to upload the HikaShop package on your website so the installation will be much faster. Extract your HikaShop package in a folder called...

How to Update/Upgrade HikaShop on Joomla! 3.x ?

If you want to install the latest version of HikaShop or upgrade to any commercial version, the upgrade process is as easy as the install Hikashop one! You don’t have to uninstall HikaShop. Simply proceed as explained above and install the new package via the...

How to install Hikashop on Joomla! 3.x ?

HikaShop is an e-commerce extension for Joomla 3.x. It is built for simplicity and flexibility. HikaShop has a wide range of marketing tools, but also powerful statistics displayable on your HikaShop dashboard to help you manage your store. It provides advanced taxes,...

How to use VirtueMart Product Search ?

Searching for products in VirtueMart is the primary way your customers find items in your store. If you have merchandise in stock, you need to have a way for users to search for and find it! VirtueMart includes its own product search module, or you can look for other...

How to use VirtueMart Language Packs ?

In a previous article, we began looking into how to run VirtueMart under a different language, one other than English. Much of our testing and research showed that VirtueMart Lanauage Packs needed to be downloaded and installed. In our testing with VirtueMart 3.0.18...
Only for Joomla! users Your website lost header area after update to Joomla! V5.2.4, how to solve it? Read more
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