Top 8 Best Joomla Development Extensions
It’s time for you to develop your Joomla site without much effort if you try the collection of many helpful Joomla Development Extensions below! Why do you need to use Joomla Development Extension? If you find it difficult to build and develop a website, you...Some Useful Shortcodes in J2Store
These shortcodes will be used for Joomla Article layouts, since Joomla layouts cannot be managed by J2store. Joomla has developed and maintained these shortcodes. While Product pages/product list layout are supposed to display product and being maintained by J2store,...How to Add Filter to Product in J2Store?
Filters are to help you find a specific product as quickly as possible In Filter page, Filter Groups are created first, some filter names will be set. Based on the name, products can be found. For example, with filter group “Clothing”, there are some...
Top 9 Best Joomla Site Search Extensions
Don’t miss a great chance to improve your site search by using the best Joomla Site Search Extensions in the blog today! Are you looking for a good Joomla Site Search Extension? If you are finding a tool to help you improve your site search, our collection today...
Collection Of Top 10 Best Joomla Map Extension
Now, displaying a map on your site is not difficult trouble if you try and use one of the most powerful Joomla Map Extensions we introduce to you below. Why need you use Joomla Map Extension? When you run a shop or a business, it is really necessary for you to add a...How to Import Product Options?
If you have created an option and already set it for any one of your products, it is also possible to be imported. It will be better than you need to create it again. Just click the button to be directed to the options which are predefined. Import product options? Ā In...How to fill information for Custom Options in J2store?
At this page, J2store gives information to add new custom options Unique Name You should give a specific name for each option to prevent ambiguity. Therefore, if there are 2 options having similar names, everything will be messed up. Display / Presentation The...How to Assign a Product to Multiple Categories?
You can organize products depending on categories with the conventional list layout, but you cannot assign a product to many categories. In order to help you solve this problem, J2store development team has provided the tag layout which allows a product to be assigned...
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